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What are some things that were in morrowind but not in oblivion that you want to see in Skyrim?


For me it has to be:


# 1 Werewolves


Although an expansion, Werewolves in Morrowind were my all time favourite part of the game. I was really disappointed when they weren't in Oblivion, and although there were mods, the mods never really achieved the same level of enjoyment that could be found if they were actually part of the game.


#2 Creature Variety

Although Oblivion had a fair bit of variety, such as they daedra, it was nothing compared to the wonders of morrowind. Scribs to Cliffracers, and even the occasional random beast! Morrowind had it all

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Rare and unique treasures. In morrowind you could go somewhere random and discover amazing one of a kind armor. This happened less with Oblivion, and things like glass armor became less special as you leveled up since every enemy in Cyrodiil had it :P


I also want the people to care what you wear or what factions you join, what kind of choices you make, and for you not be able to be grand master of everything so easily. Realistic politics between guild members would be welcome.


Levitation needs to return too!


And main characters like Martin Septim shouldn't be so... uh, lame? Their presence in the game should have a much more significant effect. For example, when the Emperor died everyone in the Imperial City should have been talking about it, and there should have been rumors about the lost son. Instead, people talk about mud crabs forever...

Edited by AncientCircle
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All of the skills and weapon types, Flying creatures, seadruegh, ogrims, daedric and dwemer shrines, SCRIBS!!!!!!!, all the food and ingredients, being able to snipe someone from 300 ft away without getting a magical bounty from nowhere, and realistic beast races!
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One thing I want more than anything is the return of encouragement to explore. In Oblivion, the world was too plain. Sure, it looked nice, but it was really dull at times. I never really felt like venturing out into the woods, over that mountain, or under that lake like I did in Morrowind. In Morrowind, I explored every corner of every dungeon and every tree of every forest and dove to the bottom of many lakes and swam to many tiny, seemingly unimportant islands, only to discover incredible treasures there. Skyrim just needs the spirit of adventure that Morrowind had, and combined with new gameplay and beautiful graphics, that will make one of the greatest games of all time.
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I agree with a lot of that!


Another thing morrowind had was diverse world! In oblivion every single dungeon was the exact same as the last! With the exception of one or two here or there, overall there just wasn't that same..... sence of adventure! in oblivion, you have seen one cave, you've seen them all! In morrowind, you just never knew what you were gonna find!


Oh and i think you should be able to join the imperial faction! Something about being a soldier/guard was just awsome!


But seriously bethesda... bring back werewolves!

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Ah, yes, Paladin, how could I forget about Morrowind's diversity? Every dungeon had something unique. You never knew what you were getting yourself into when you opened that dungeon door. But the same thing goes for the world above, too. In Oblivion, the entirety of Cyrodiil is covered in forest and nothing but forest. Morrowind, though, has a vast desert of ash, a swampland, a grassy plain, rocky coasts, and more. One side of the world always felt completely different from the others.
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First, MORE SLOTS. In Morrowind you could wear:


2 Rings

1 Amulet

1 Shirt

1 Belt

1 Pair Pants

1 Helm

1 Cuirass

1 Pair Greaves

1 Pair Boots

2 Pauldrons

2 Gauntlets or Gloves


AND you could wear a robe on top of all that, PLUS a weapon and shield...whew! Oblivions 5 puny clothing slots suck in comparison. The combination of light/medium/heavy armor also meant that NPCs were very diverse looking.


Second, I would agree about the politics. Factions should regard each other differently, and REQUIREMENTS should return. If you can't cast a fireball then you have no business being arch mage. And if you're a fighter/barbarian what are you doing in the mages guild? Oh right. Console players love 100% completion. Gotcha. :rolleyes:


Third, I liked being able to boost my skills with magic or alchemy and it made a real difference. I could stack spells to fortify my alchemy skill to 600 or so then brew uber potions. In Oblivion, even if you fortify something over 50, you still don't get the associated perk for being a Journeyman, so what's the point?


I'll jump off my soapbox now and let someone else have a go. :tongue:



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Go back to the skill system from Morrowind. There is no reason to keep trimming skills and dumbing things down! We gamers are NOT as stupid as Bethesda thinks we are! We can learn more complex skill sets if they'd just LET US.


Give us back our spears, our crossbows (Reloading isn't as much of a problem when you have repeating crossbows like the Chinese did), our medium armor, our throwing weapons, and different-looking soul gems!

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Having never played Morrowind, I can't really answer this thread, but from what I've heard:


I want the guilds to matter, I want conversations to feel like conversations, even if it's only a few lines per character, I want there to be a difference between blade and blunt weapons (and I want axes to not be blunt, seriously were they smoking a blunt when they did that? :rolleyes: ), I want boosts and curses to be actually be noticeable, and I want a story that's actually original. Skyrim and all that icy cold wasteland sounds like Beowulf to me. Is this game going to be Beowulf? As cool as that would be, it's been done. Keep the naked woman though. That's cool.

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