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Bringing back the classics to Tes V


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I just remembered something relevant to this topic! Remember throwing stars and throwing knives? those were kick @$$!

As well as armour and weapons!

Im sorry but in oblivion they didn't have nearly enough kinds of armour or weapons! with the exception of the occasional special mesh or texture, everyone had the exact same armour and weapons! In morrowind you never knew what kind of armour you were gonna find, weather it was something that looked like a crab on your head or an awesome full helmet!


Oh and bring back Netches! I loved those things!


But still, the thing i want most remains to be werewolves.


New things they should add:

Romance Options (Suggeted by luna3334, not myself)

Inebriation (So when you get drunk, there is actually an effect of some sort, not just a skill affect, but like a blurred screen or something)

Dismemberment (Like in fallout)

Early forms of guns (Like a flintlock pistol here and there, that would be pretty cool)

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I haven't played Morrowind so this comes from what I have heard...


More diversity. After a while every cave and ruin looked pretty much the same in Oblivion. That also goes for the characters. I would have liked to see some differences between people living in different towns + more race specific things.


New leveling system. While I understand the logic behind it; the freedom to go anywhere and do anything you want, it doesn't change the fact that it also takes the feel of accomplishment + a great amount of realism away. It's quite ridiculous that a level 1 character can be an Arena Champion or a head of the Fighter's Guild. I understand that Morrowind had certain requirements before you could rank higher in the guild.

Also... in Oblivion the effort of leveling up your character isn't rewarding enough since the whole world is becoming a God along your character + being stronger doesn't really let you do anything special. Level 1 character can survive in all the same places a level 40 character can (except start some daedric quests). Doesn't make much sense.


More and better factions. While it's fun that one character can join every faction in the game, it also takes away some of the re-playing value. IMO it would be more realistic and interesting if some of the factions were enemies and joining one meant that you can't join the other. Then there would also be guilds which in no way close away each other. It would make the roleplaying more fun. I do can just restain myself from joining some guilds because of my character's supposed personality, but I still often end up joining them all only for the extra cash and other benefit. Having some factions to be enemies would make the gameplay and your choices more interesting.

Edited by Creeper234
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What monsters i expect are werewolves, rieklings, draugr and new looking spriggans, winged twilight maybe too. Nordic and ice armors are must. Maybe skill to make armor from hides. Good variety of different animals and flora is expected.
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Corrected bodies for Khajiit and Argonians.

Wider conversation topics for npcs - and no $%^&%$ mudcrab conversations!

Extra categories of weapons

Light / medium / heavy armor types

Short/long blade types

Thrown weapons.

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  • 2 months later...
There needs to be more variety to the types of weapons and armor like there were in Morrowind. Morrowind had katanas and tantos and stuff, and the armor wasn't in leveled tiers like it was in Oblivion. This gave more freedom and sense of discovery in Morrowind than in Oblivion. I liked that feeling that I sometimes got when playing Morrowind when I found something and was like 'holy crap!' or 'what the hell is that?' In Oblivion almost everytime you came across a unique or powerful object or creature, it was part of some quest so you were expecting it. There was all kinds of random stuff that wasn't linked to quests in Morrowind and I hope that that is integrated somehow into Skyrim.
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More equipment slots (who says I can't wear a Daedric gauntlet and a Leather gauntlet at the same time? NOBODY!!! (hopefully))


More weapon types (I want ninja stars, throwing knives, more than 2 types of non-artifact katana (akaviri is very boring))


No mudcrabs


Glass needs to have a logical explanation for its hardiness.

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Glass needs to have a logical explanation for its hardiness.


Not all glass is "glass" glass, aka window glass. Sometimes things like obsidian are called glass, which can be extremely sharp and durable.


Things Skyrim needs that Oblivion didn't have yet Morrowind may have (likely some or all of these have been stated but I want to reinforce how needed they are - some of these are somewhat unrelated to Morrowind):


1. Lots of land area to explore - how was Vvardenfell so much larger than Cyrodiil?

2. Lots of environment types

3. More types of weapons and armor, "tiered" gear is OK if it's not 100% linear (although I personally dislike using mod weapons and armor because it renders all vanilla gear obsolete, killing any sense of progression)

4. Multiple body types per race/gender

4b. More feminine women, bulkier men, etc. - seriously, elves, especially wood elves, should be slender, and nords and orcs need more muscle on them

5. More unique NPCs (more interesting people like Glarthir who isn't just a random face in the crowd, etc.) - in Morrowind most characters wore a unique combination of clothing, at least

6. I would be hesitant to suggest re-adding the separate right-hand left-hand gloves and pauldrons - although pauldrons should be a separate slot themselves

7. More interesting spells, aka things like Levitate, plus a sense of actual progression with spells (don't bring back cast chance though, uhg)

8. Remove fast-regen magicka (but don't make it 100% static), make battles not a heal-fest

8b. I must add this: Do NOT add health regen after combat - it makes dungeon delving much too simple and unrewarding, since the game mentality becomes per-battle rather than per-sortie (health regen on enchanted gear might be okay though)

9. Remove map fast travel, don't make cities auto-explored; however, don't make the player start off with ridiculously low speed like Morrowind did in most cases

10. This is more contemplation than a suggestion - one reason that Morrowind seems like such a bigger game is because the map just plain sucked. It was next to impossible to read properly and lacked helpful icons.

11. Reduce hand-holding, keep quest markers but make them only point in a general direction (or not at all if directions aren't given, like if you're trying to find something that is secret) - don't be like Morrowind and toss the player to the wolves, though (at least it encouraged exploration, I guess)

12. Bring back some of the Morrowind creatures, like the Bonewalker (not Cliff Racers though, dear god)

13. Bring back static and secret treasure to make exploration rewarding

13b. Don't make the player spend more money on lockpicks than the value of the loot in the giant treasure chest at the end of the big dungeon

13c. Make Security not chance-based, keep the minigame (new one would be nice though) but make it so you can only unlock certain difficulties when you're high enough in skill, like in Fallout 3

14. Make enchanted items slightly less expensive...most merchants can't even buy it

14b. Make enchanted items recharge slowly over time while not in combat (I currently use a mod that does this)

14c. Some might suggest bringing back Enchant skill, but I would make this suggestion: Make Mysticism more useful by tying it to enchant skill, and add the spells and changes to Mysticism from Supreme Magicka (like switching Absorb spells to Mysticism rather than Restoration)

14d. Bring back easter egg merchants!

14e. M'aiq the Liar would be cool (perhaps his grandson or some such?)

15. Bring back guild skill requirements so that a magic-less warrior can't become Archmage

15b. Don't let the player join every single guild at one time - have some of them in competition, which adds replay value and spices up the storyline a bit; for example, in Oblivion, you should be able to join either the Fighters' Guild or the Blackwood Company (I would also bring up the Dark Brotherhood preventing you from joining the Thieves' Guild, but that would require 2 stealth character playthroughs)

16. Here's one suggestion inspired by Dragon Age of all things: Use sustained spells so that buffs are much less annoying (I personally have to cycle through nighteye, fortify health/shield, and fortify speed/feather every 45 secs on my stealth character just to survive, and that eats up 2/3 of my magicka bar). Basically, the player casts the buff, he gets a penalty to his max magicka (and maybe a % cost increase to all casting while it's on too), and it stays on until he toggles it off or it is dispelled.

17. Bring back unique architecture like Telvanni construction

18. And here's another other-game suggestion: Bethesda, imitate Assassin's Creed and make the cities actually feel alive; the Imperial City is TINY.

19. A quick-use button would be handy, separate from the hotkeys - say you use a sword and a miniature crossbow (come on, they had crossbows in Morrowind, why not a miniature one). You could press the button to quickly fire a shot from the crossbow while still keeping out your sword too. Perhaps they could also use throwing weapons in this way. From what I've seen, they've actually done something similar to this for Skyrim.


Here's some that need to stay mostly the same:


1. The stealth mechanics. It's actually pretty fun to sneak around, although sometimes enemies display remarkable blindness and deafness.

2. The awesome graphics. I would play Skyrim if it looked exactly like Oblivion with the Oblivion Graphics Extender enabled - it's just that good as it is. I do think that Bethesda needs to focus a bit more on the characters' appearances now, the scenery is already eye candy to the max.

3. The open nature of the games. However, I think that it does sometimes hurt the storytelling aspect (Oblivion never once drew me into its plot). I think that they need to rework the Main Quest so that it actually accomodates side questing, rather than just basically being the player saying "Hold on, Jauffre, I know there's a bunch of demons trying to rip Tamriel a new one, but I need to turn in these jumbo potatoes right now!"

4. Alchemy. Reaching journeyman alchemy feels like an adventure because of all the new effects it opens up (to me, anyway).

5. The races. They are awesome (especially Argonians). Adding some kind of dwarf race, while likely requiring some lore handwaving, would be cool too. I mean, it takes place in Skyrim aka Scandinavian Wonderland.

6. Sheogorath. That is all.

6b. I lied, that's not all. Add more interaction from the Daedric princes, they're cool with their "do a task and I'll give you (probably useless and overpriced) treasure," but some kind of storyline with the relationships between the Daedra would be interesting (would expand a little more on the storyline of Oblivion). For example, there could be a quest where the player needs to recover the Cowl of Nocturnal once and for all, and it leads to a quest chain full of twists that reveals some kind of war (or petty squabble) between the princes.

Edited by rinoaff33
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Guys these are all awesome ideas and I agree with them all. But before we worry lets just remember; the developers are not stupid people and will have listened for feedback. They have been working on this thing for three years, I bet that not only have they incorporated many of the things we loved from Obliv and Morrow into the game but also added some brand spanking new things to blow our minds as well! Have faith brethren! :thumbsup:
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I want soul gems like Morrowind had.


I want there to be more than five joinable factions with full quest lines.


I want there to be skill requirements to advance in the factions so that a warrior won't go high in the Mage Guild and a mage won't go high in the Fighters Guild.


I want poisons to last so long that it is worthwhile to carry cure poison potions.


I want the glass, ebony, and daedric armor to be so rare that it is a great accomplishment to collect a complete set.


I want there to be cast-on-use enchanted items and I want them to bring back the "enchant" skill.


I want levitation back, but I hear that Bethesda is going to offer it as a DLC that costs $100 UDS, more than the original game. That stinks. Charge extra for a popular feature everyone wants that was free in Morrowind? If the coding for levitation exists in the game, hopefully modders will figure out how to engineer their own free levitation mods that are not copies of the DLC and are not forbidden by anti-piracy law.


I want the Morrowind or Fallout 3 barter system where merchants only have a certain amount of money on hand.


I want vicious Slaughterfish with combat and navigational AI that actually works like it did in Morrowind.

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I want separate armour pieces so that you have to collect sets bit by bit (unless you beat someone in a full set) ... especially for rare sets, making each set a mini-quest in itself..
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