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First Quest Help?


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Ok, I'm at a loss and I need help. I started modding two days ago (lol pathetic I know). I've been trying to get this quest to work by using a buch of GECK tutorials online. I had a miserable time getting it to work, at first my NPC wouldn't even greet me, doors wouldn't work etc... Now, everything works like it should EXCEPT, the line to finish the quest does not show up! Here's where it's at:


You walk up to a man called Roger Anthony and he asks for your help. You say "what's wrong" and he tells you his son is missing (you need to find his journal and give it to Roger) and you can either agree, disagree or if you already have the journal, give it to him. At this point, agreeing and disagreeing works perfectly fine, the quest starts and runs smoothly. Once you head to the cave, objectives work fine, get the journal, again objectives work fine and the quest continues. For some reason, when I head back to give in the journal. My topic prompted by "I found your son... he's dead. Here's a note for you." doesn't even show.


It has the following conditions:

Getstage Quest 001FindCyrus == 30 OR (If they get the journal after talking to Roger)

Getstage Quest 001FindCyrus == 5 AND (if they get the journal before talking to Roger)

Getitemcount 001CyrusbooktoRoger == 1 (obviously for it to show up, I need the object in my inventory)

GetisID == 001RogerAnthony (only he can say this line)


Then my script says:


player.removeitem 001CyrusbooktoRoger 1

if (GetStage 001FindCyrus == 30)

SetObjectiveCompleted 001FindCyrus30 1


SetObjectiveCompleted 001FindCyrus 5 1



SetObjectiveDisplayed 001FindCyrus 200 1 (should show "I have given Roger Anthony the journal. He let me keep the key to the underground trailer.")

SetStage 001FindCyrus 200


(001FindCyrus 200 has the script: SetObjectiveCompleted 001FindCyrus 30 1, SetStage 001FindCyrus 210) 001FindCyrus 210 is set to complete the quest


I have read, and re-read tutorials, over and over. I checked everything, every script I made. I am pretty positive the mistake is with the script above because when I compile, it tells me:

(operation cannot be completed because: Info (01002c62) resulrs scripts failed to compile)

And I have no idea what that means.


After completing the quest, Roger should travel to an X marker inside the cave when you find the body but I haven't been able to test that out yet because it won't let me complete it lol



So, if anyone is willing to try, please help =) I can send the esp. if it's not clear enough...

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1. Never start the names of your objects with numbers. I notice a number of people do this. Is there some place you came across which suggests doing this? It works in some places but not in others.


2. Please download and use "geck powerup" to see script syntax errors.


3. When you use "getitemcount" as a condition in a dialog, please make sure to select "target" in the leftmost dropdown. The default is "subject" which is the NPC; you want to test whether the player has the book, not whether the speaker has the book.

Edited by davidlallen
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Never start the names of your variables with numbers. I notice a number of people do this. Is there some place you noticed which suggests doing this? It works in some places but not in others. Also, please download and use "geck powerup" to see script syntax errors.


Yes acctually, I read somewhere to start with "0" so you can find your new stuff easilly... I'll keep that in mind.


I will download geck powerup, never heard of it, hope it helps :) thanks for answering so quickly!


EDIT: Ok, I found why it was telling me my script was wrong, I needed to put a space between 001FindCyrus and 30... lol. But the topic still won't show up in game :(

Edited by Scorpial
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Never start the names of your variables with numbers. I notice a number of people do this. Is there some place you noticed which suggests doing this? It works in some places but not in others.


Yes acctually, I read somewhere to start with "0" so you can find your new stuff easilly... I'll keep that in mind.


While it is still fresh in your mind, could you hunt to find the place where you read that? I will contact the author and see if we can get them to change it. Many people are led astray by this.

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While it is still fresh in your mind, could you hunt to find the place where you read that? I will contact the author and see if we can get them to change it. Many people are led astray by this.


I think I acctually saw it in a youtube video, but it was while back. :/ I could try to find it for you, but it's not in my computer's history anymore.


EDIT: OH!!! Use Target for getitemcount?! That makes sense! OMG that might acctually work!! :D

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Oh my goodness it worked! Thank-you so much! I accidentally put Subject for Getitemcount when it should've been Target! That's why it was never activating, the condition were never met!


Thank-you very much. Kudos to you! :)

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