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New Fallout Mod Idea. What do you think?


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So, I've had an idea for a mod for awhile now. In fact, I have a file started, but wanted to get your input on it.


So, first off, the general story idea:


The main story of the mod would take place in the Kingman Park district of DC, along the Anacostia River. It would deal with a new faction known as: The Old Guard, or simply The Guard. This is a remnant of the 33rd National Guard Battalion, who holed up in the DC armory when the bombs fell. When the bombs stopped falling, they emerged to try to help out the local civilian populace, and suffered because of it.


It has since split into two factions. The Exiles, who chose to break away and form a new faction, and the Loyalists, who chose to stick by their commanding officer.


The mod would deal with the conflict between these two groups, as well as the on-going war which is taking place with a group known as the Jailhouse Rockers, who are decedents of former convicts from the DC correctional facility in the area.


Ok, I also wanted to discuss the general idea I had for the outcome of the players actions. Eventually, the Guard could receive new recruits from the local populace. They would expand, and occupy areas such as the National Guard Depot, and the military checkpoints you find in the DC wasteland. They could also receive support from the BOS, and can re-unite with the Exiles against their common enemies.


Also, the player could just kill everything or side with the convicts. In this case, the Kingman Park area would become a very hostile and dangerous place, but the player would also get access to one of the best markets in the wasteland, a safe base, and access to some very lucrative "business" ventures.


I have a whole notebook filled with ideas like this. However, with Fallout 4's release approaching, I am unsure if I want to start working on a new mod. Please, let me know what you think.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Exiles and Loyalists sound like BoS and the Outcasts with Jailhouse Rockers sounding like Powdergangers. Regardless, it sounds like something that would add to the D.C. ruins area and make it more than just a bunch of super mutant and talon company ambushes. Here's hoping you can start this soon and finish it.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I'm glad to see at least some people like the idea.




It would take some time. Kingman park is a large water front area in OTL. Combine that with clutter, scripting, etc.


However, with the right team this could also get done much faster. Half the reason it isn't done is that I never looked for outside help.




I tried my best to take the best aspects of all these groups. However, they will be quite different as well. I set out with the goal of making all the groups exist in a moral grey area.




Ghouls in the beginning. One of the later quests has the player help expand their group by bringing in new recruits.


I do have a very rough prototype build if anyone is open to looking at it at some point. I'm not great at coding, so this is an open offer to anyone interested. I'll try to work on it between my classes and get something presentable together.


Thanks for your time everyone.

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