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Looking for a modder to hel me with a project


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Okay, before I get started, I know this is a big favor to be asking of a total stranger, but hey, what's it hurt to try? Recently, one of my closest friends passed away. He was a love of everything bethesda, but especially fallout, and even more so the mods for it. Every time i saw him at his computer, he had something new to show me, either it be new radio stations, new weapons that were so op it wasn't funny, or just little neat addons that made the world just a bit more immersive. Without him, i would have never gotten into fallout, or pc gaming, or modding. it was a terrible blow when we got the news that he had past early one morning. I know this sounds like your generic sob story, and it pretty much is, but it's inspired me. I'd love to add him into either fallout 3 or new vegas as a companion, or even as just an npc. I'm still very new to the pc gaming world and to modding, so there is no way i'd be able to do this myself. I'm looking for someone who knows what their doing to make this idea a reality. If you have any questions or want to discuss something, please do! Thanks everyone in advanced for listening to my story, and for any help that may come in the futrure.

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I would give this a go myself if I wasn't so busy.

If you wanted to try it your self (or get some help) this is the best companion guide on the nexus (and it's pretty easy to follow):



or you could use one of the companion creation systems:

for fallout 3: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/3644/?
for fallout nv: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38059/?

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