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Morrowind problem


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I recently installed Morrowind GOTY but there's something wrong with it :(


When I launch the game and it's about to enter the main menu a window pop's up. It says something like "<Some stuff I don't understand> Continue anyway?" I click "yes". Then another similar window appears. Dozens of them pop up and every time I click "yes". When they're all gone it returns to the desktop view :wallbash: Please tell me how can this be fixed.

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Open the Morrowind.ini with notepad (back it up first), you'll find it in the games root folder. Now add the line Allowyestoall=1 to the [General] section and save it. Now when you start a game just select yes to all and you get past them. Before doing that you should post here what those messages are because something is crashing the game and the answer will likely be in one of those messages.


Edit: A couple of tips....


Install in this order if your GOTY has different installers, Morrowind> Tribunal> Bloodmoon. Also install the game outside of your program files, C:\Morrowind or something.

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