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Sudden Loss of Collisions


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I was running around the road that surrounds the Imperial City, but I've run into a major problem. The problem is that a certain areas between Fort Nikel and Fort Empire has lost it's collision. I can walk through fences, rocks and trees, even without turning TCL on. The worst part is that walking a little further and my character starts hopping for no reason, as does all NPCs within this messed up area.


Anyone able to help?



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It sounds like your system is overloaded. Try typing into the console:


coc center


Once in no-man's land type into the console:


set timescale to 30

save "Save Backup"


Then quit to the desktop -- NOT to the main menu.


Restart the game and load your 'Save Backup' game. Before you do ANYTHING wait for 4 days (in no-man's land). Once you have waited, fast travel back to Fort Nikel.


To prevent these kinds of overloading, don't play one session for too long. Quit to the desktop occasionally, and restart your game.

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It seems to have fixed itself by just walking towards it from a different angle, although I did find another one further down towards Bravil. It can't be overloading because the it kept happening even when I simply started the game.


Thanks anyway :)


It will return again, and again, to plague you.

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