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Fallout NV - Start Up Problems


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Hello Beautiful people,


Recently got back from a mad few days away and booted up new Vegas to be greeted with some rather annoying problems I've had no luck sorting myself. Don't quite understand how its even happened as it was working absolutely fine before i went away and no one else uses this computer.


I get to the opening title with the ranger glad in armour and the menu never decides to make an appearance. Few seconds later i'll get a message stating 'Error: Missing Master check load order' which i've done and i cant find anything obviously causing the issue. I've updated Nexus mod manager and a few of the mods that have new versions, ran BOSS auto-sort and FNV:edit and to be honest i'm at a loss. Anyone has any ideas they would be greatly appreciated as i'm hoping to finish Vegas before we all head off to post-apocalyptic Boston for more fallout goodness.


Was going to post my load order in a text format in a hopeful attempt that someone would spot the issue but i cant seem to find any clear way to post it either haha. Not having the best of days.


Thanks in advance for any suggestions and help anyone can give and have a sweet day.




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BOSS, to be frank, is a bit outdated. I would recommend Loot to replace it. And check your ini files. I was having an issue where my menus didn't come up, but it was due to my ini files. Anyway, Liowraith, run loot, and see if that helps. I would also recommend running Mod Organizer, and that would help, as well.

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