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Yet another question...


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I know this is a newbie question and all, but how do you copy a directory of a mod into the directory of Oblivion? The readme of the one I'm looking at says it will ask me if I want to overwrite the data, so I have no idea what to do.
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Let's say that the mod had an entire folder named "Data." You would copy that into your Oblivion folder. If, however, the mod archive contained, say, an .esp file and a textures and/or meshes folder, you would copy the .esp and both folders directly into Oblivion\Data. Hope this helps, and ask again if you need anything clarified.
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Thank you so much! Now...:3...the final challenge that anyone can answer...how do you get the console commands to work? X3 I'm testing my mods on a file and I want to get money quickly to check them out. The problem is, everytime I press the tilde key, it doesn't work. bAllowConsole is set to 1 in the Oblivion.ini file, but it still wont work. I've been pressing random keys.
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Try turning anti-aliasing off.


Edit: Or maybe that was to get screenshots working.

Edited by Striker879
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Have you ever changed any settings in the .ini before that you want to keep? If not, delete it and start your game up again and try to use the console. You'll have to reset all the graphics and sound settings afterward, but deleting the .ini might work. (The game will automatically generate a new one, don't worry.)
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