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Reduced screen for Oblivion Ater reinstall


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OK. First off I have searched for a topic concerning my issue and have not found one. If This has been brought up before, please forgive me.


Here goes. I have been playing Oblivion for a while on this machine, but do to a number of mods I want to try I discovered that I need to uninstall Oblivion and Reinstall it in a new location outside my programs folder. (Windows 7) So I created a new folder on my C drive and installed it there.


Everything went fine with the install,, However when I start the game it comes up in a window instead of full screen. It is not giving me an option to go to full screen. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

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Delete your \Documents\My Games\Oblivion\oblivion.ini file. Then restart the game from the OblivionLauncher.exe to re-check your settings and re-initialise your ini.
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ok deleted the ini file. and restarted game same problem. (BTW) Thanks folks for the quik help.


Did you restart the game from the launcher and reset your options? The Window/Full screen option is there.

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Ok got home tried that. worked like a charm, thanks again.


Excellent. And you're welcome.

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