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Found some info while using the Witcher 3 Mod Kit that might help modders understand The witcher 3 file system.

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Has anyone else seen this?


I goofed up during an import and the tools popped out a ton of info that I believe could be quite useful...thought I would share.

[2015.08.19 16:54:19][Error][WCC] Unable to determine resource class from extension 'fbx'. Avaiable extensions:
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2comm: Community
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2behtree: AI tree
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2faces: Mimic faces
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] redwpset: Cooked waypoints collections collection
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2steer: Steering
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] resf: Resources Scene File
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] env: Environment Definition
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w3dyng: Dyng
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] reddlc: DLC Definition
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] cdb: Character Database
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] redswf: Flash SWF
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2animev: Events for animation set
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] worldmap: World Map
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] wizdef: Wizard Definition
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2scene: Scene script
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2cent: Character entity template
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] xbd: 2D Texture
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2l: World layer
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2p: Particle System
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2dset: Scene dialogset
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2quest: Quest
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w3app: Entity external appearance
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] xbm: 2D Texture
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] redapex: Apex destruction resource
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] csv: 2D Array
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2sf: Switchable Foliage
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w3fac: Mimic FAC
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2je: Journal Entries
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2w: World
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2mg: Material graph
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2mi: Material instance
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] redicsv: Indexed 2D Array
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] formation: Formation definition
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w3occlusion: Occlusion Data Tile
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] spawntree: Spawn Tree
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2col: Collision mesh
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2dl: Dynamic Layer
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] cellmap: SwarmCellMap
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] navmesh: Navmesh
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] redexp: Cooked explorations
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] grassmask: Generic Grass Mask
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2am: Area Mappins
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] texarray: Texture Array
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] redcloth: Apex cloth resource
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2phase: Phase
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2ragdoll: Ragdoll
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] srt: SRT tree
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2cutscene: Cutscene template
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2rewards: Rewards
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2anims: Set of animations
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2ent: Entity template
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2cube: Cubemap
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] flyr: Foliage Resource
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] dupa: dupa
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] guiconfig: GUI Game Configuration
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w3occlusiondef: Umbra Occlusion Scene
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] redwpc: Cooked waypoints collection
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] redfur: Fur mesh resource
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2qm: Quest Mappins
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2rig: Skeleton
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2em: Entity Mappins
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] redswfx: Exported SWF texture
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2fnt: Font
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2beh: Behavior graph
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] hud: HUD Resource
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2job: Job tree
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] vbrush: Vegetation Brush
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] redgame: R4 game definition
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w3simplex: CResourceSimplexTree
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2mesh: Mesh
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] menu: Menu Resource
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] journal: Journal Entry
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] popup: Popup Resource
[2015.08.19 16:54:19][info][WCC] w2tile: Terrain Tile

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