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Vilkas is broken.


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A bit of backstory to how it broke.

I had started the companions questline and when I went to spar with Vilkas, he just kept repeating the "we don't use magic" line despite me not using magic at all. I fixed it by typing in [setstage c00 30]. While this let me progress, it broke Vilkas completely. The bug includes . . .

  • Vilkas staying in the courtyard at all times
  • Vilkas forcing dialogue with you

I have been progressing normally until the Purity of Revenge quest. He was not inside Jorrvaskr, instead he was in the courtyard. He had is normal dialogue, but he now refuses to follow me. I have tried . . .

  • Disabling and enabling him with console
  • Killing and resurrecting him with console
  • Staggering him with a power attack
  • Hitting a guard then paying a bounty in Whiterun

I have no previous saves I can revert to, so can anyone help me fix him?

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