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Oblivion crashes after trying to load a game on windows 7


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ok so i installed Oblivion on windows 7 64-bit. and i installed a lot of mods to enhance my gaming experience. and i get to the main menu just fine. and am able to load a game just fine, and then i type in to the cheat console tgm as i always do. and when i try to load onto another character. the game crashes and i get the message "oblivion has stopped working windows is trying to find a solution to the problem" and of course it doesnt. so here is all of the .esp files i have installed:


The Wedding.esp (enabled)

Soul Calibur Finalform.esp (disabled)

Raven Mansion_v_1_2_noncobl.esp (enabled)

Oceanside Mansion.esp (enabled)

Oblivion.esm (enabled of course)

movablebodies.esp (enabled)

Knights.esp (enabled)

Hiyoko_Store.esp (disabled)

Haunted Abandoned Manor.esp (enabled)

DLCShiveringIsles.esp (enabled)

Dark Seducer + Golden Saint CM Companions (Disabled)

CM Partners.esp (enabled)

CM Partners.esm (Enabled)

CM Partners Special NPCs.esp (Enabled)

CM Partners NPC.esp (Enabled)

CM Partners NPC NE.esp (enabled)

CM Partners More NPCs.esp (Enabled)

CM Partners More NPCs NE.esp (Enabled)

CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp (Enabled)

CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp (Enabled)

Cm Narnia Partners.esp (Enabled - my custom one)

Cm Friends zacks mod.esp (Enabled - Also my custom one)

Champion's Mansion.esp (Enabled)

Abeceannext.esp (disabled)


Please Reply Soon. I would like to be able to play Oblivion without this constant Crashing :(

- Bradleymee

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You are using conflicting plugins for CM Partners. You have the NPC and NPC NE esps enabled. The 'NE' (Non Essential) options should not be used with the essential plugins. You must only use either:


CM Partners NPC.esp


CM Partners More NPCs.esp


---- OR ----


CM Partners NPC NE.esp


CM Partners More NPCs NE.esp


Also, I do not know what you mean by "and when i try to load onto another character"?

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it means im already in game and i load another game by pausing and going to the load screen. for example: i loaded the game from the main menu onto the character Zack. then i play for a while then press the esc button. and load onto my other character named Peter. but while the game is loading that time. it crashes.
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Oblivion can be very picky about loading new games, and some internal counters and markers do not get reset. Always get into the habbit of quitting at least to the main menu before loading a new game, but better still, quit to the desktop and reload the game.
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