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Script Editting question


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I've been trying for quite some time to make a script in order to resurrect the player.

The fact that I am creating this topic makes it obvious that I totally failed in all my attempts. :)

I saw a lot of posts in various sites about this matter but didn't get any help out of them. Some of them just end up saying is impossible to do it because once the player is resurrected you become some kind of spirit while your body still stays in the floor. Out of personal experience I' d say they've got a point, but what really makes me crazy is that the game itself uses a resurrection script!!! (SPOILER) In the daedric quest of Molag Bal you have to get yourself killed by a guy and then you are resurrected and of course no crashes. o_O How the heck is that possible???

Some people advised me to "resurrect" or more specifically to reset.health just before the player dies.

Well I 'm afraid to say that wont do either because the script takes some time before it actually kicks off and then you ll most likely turn up dead - then resurrected - then turned into a faulty ghost and then really angry....

If anyone has managed to work this problem out I would really appreciate your help.

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From what I saw, you're teleported out before your health hits 0, and the guy (or maybe the weapon) is weak enough to not do much damage per hit. I'll take a look at the scripts and append the result.


Well the script does resurrect you. Apart from that I've tried it myself once or twice and can say that its hardly possible for a script to be quick enough to teleport you before you... "face the ground". :P

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I didn't anticipate you replying so fast, so I'm cutting this from my previous post:



It teleports the player if the player's health is less than 20. There's a check to see whether the player's health is <0, in which case it does a resurrect, but I would guess it's set up so this shouldn't be used.


My experience is that resurrecting yourself in the console essentially limits you to playing as a turret. However, I don't know if resurrecting via script does the same. You may as well go ahead and try it...

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Well you do have a point there...

Let me ask then

1 Is there a chance of setting a timer (possibly in frames) not to delay the script but instead make it happen quicker? 'Cause I think that "GetSecondsPassed" command doesn't work with 0.x values.


2 Is the process of the player's death (animation, load menu...) controlled by a script? Can it be modified in any way?(even though I must say that doesn't sound very likely.)

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Using the resurrect command on the player is not perfect, like Abramul said. If the player falls to the ground and you resurrect him, the camera will stay at a low position, permanently. In first person it looks like you're player is very small.


I think you should really try to prevent resurrecting with that command, because I don't think there's much difference between console command resurrection and scripted resurrection.

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Using the resurrect command on the player is not perfect, like Abramul said. If the player falls to the ground and you resurrect him, the camera will stay at a low position, permanently. In first person it looks like you're player is very small.


I think you should really try to prevent resurrecting with that command, because I don't think there's much difference between console command resurrection and scripted resurrection.


I do agree with you and I even said it before in the first or second post but to be honest with you that's not actually the problem. In fact if you resurrect the player two or tree times he eventually will appear normally. Instead you seem to have lost for ever all the constant magic effects like those the Gray Prince training gave you or the Nightmother etc (At least that's the only think I spotted).


But anyway what I was thinking (and the reason why I posted my previous questions) was either to force somehow the script to become active the same second the requirements are meant (because otherwise it 'll take ages), or to somehow prevent the process of the player's death so hopefully it wont crash at all.

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You could try
begin Ondeath player

although I don't know if it would be any different.


Yeah I thought of that too but diddn't make any difference. :(






Can I make the player essential in any way? ( It didnt work through the NPC window and the refferences Player & Player 1 are invalid)

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From what I saw, you're teleported out before your health hits 0, and the guy (or maybe the weapon) is weak enough to not do much damage per hit. I'll take a look at the scripts and append the result.

you never die, you get teleported right before you die. there's already a mod that teleports you somewhere right before you die. it takes you to a chapel. try tessource. :)

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