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Oblivion CTDs


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Ok. Is there any way to tell which ones to leave unmerged or does that choice just rely on common sense and a little knowledge of merging mods in the first place?


Follow my canned guide, and you won't go wrong:




When you press 'Rebuild Patch', make sure that you check the following:


Merge Patches

Import ... [Go through each 'import' option and if there's a mod, not csv in the right window, check it, and the Import... option.]

Cobl Catalogs [ONLY if you use Cobl]

Contents Checker

Leveled Lists

Race Records

SEWorld Tests [ONLY if you have Shivering Isles installed]


The Globals and Tweaks are optional, but should not be checked unless you know what you are doing, and should be left alone while you are troubleshooting. Everything else should be left unchecked UNLESS you know that you need it.









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Personally, I would not even attempt to merge ANY mods to do with Better Cities, as there are too many variables involved when it comes to other mods and conflicts. BC already comes with a merged plugin. I think you need to come at this from another angle and forget about merging BC plugins.
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That makes sense since i'm very inexperienced with it and there does seem to be a lot going on. I'd hate to try that and ruin my game after coming this far. Is there a limit as to how many mods can be 'ghosted'? Not that I plan on using 500 mods at once, but i'd just like to have an idea of what I can work with in case there might be a few more out there.
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The only limit is on how many files Windows allows in folders. A ghosted file is just the original file renamed with the .ghost extension so that the game engine does not recognise or process it.
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