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Game cannot fully initiate log in to servers with correct credentials.


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Firewall was not it it seems.


Normally I might ask the ISP if they're blocking a port (sometimes they block bit torrent ports and the like, such as WoW, although I'm not sure if BioWare uses such a port) but this has happened on two networks and unless I missed something, the other network had a password, but no actual port restrictions.

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Unfortunately, I think the next step is a full un-/re-install. Something is misconfigured, and that something should have been (and perhaps once was) automatically set-up correctly without you having to mess with it at all.


So be sure to make a backup of your "\[user's documents]\Bioware\Dragon Age" folder first, then go through the uninstall (selecting "Keep your Characters and Saves") and then, put Dragon Age back on your machine.

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Uninstalled, reinstalled, installed the 1.04 patch again.

Still nothing, the only difference is now it says "Log in" in the lower left instead of "Logged Out."

I haven't re-added the old Dragon Age folder in documents yet, so it was nothing in there (although the DA: Redesigned never really left because of how it's installed).

Available content is still updating too.


Edited by Sebiale
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If it says "Logged-In", then you successfully connected and authenticated to the EA servers. :thumbsup:


If you didn't put your "\[user's documents]\Bioware\Dragon Age" folder back, then the game didn't find the "\addins" folder with your already acquired DLC and attempts to re-download and install everything for DA that's listed under your account, (see: "Player Entitlements" page.)


Which is fine... it just takes a while! :laugh:

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No, no, not "Logged in," but "log in."

As in "click here to log in."

It's still asking for e-mail and password.

Which you supply, but then nothing happens...?

Yep :wacko:

Well, not completely nothing. But it's the same as it's been for over a week now, there's just a brief flash of "Contacting the Dragon Age servers" screen, which disappears in like, under a second, and then nothing. I'm left staring at a screen with my e-mail and password on it.

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So you get to this point, and it never goes further?

Yep, that part exactly.

It doesn't even have the decency to keep trying; gives up trying to contact the servers after, like, a second, maybe even less.

Lazy little program... :teehee:

Edited by Thandal
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Something is interferring with the programs ability to access the internet. This is almost always a "Firewall Rules" issue. (While it could be other things, most of those are ruled out if you're using the same computer to post here!)


The daupdatersvc, or a process that it spawns, is not being allowed to establish the necessary outbound connection. Could be a block on the particular port, protocol, destination IP, or a blanket prohibition against network access by that process. Very hard to tell without having access to your environment and the various logs and rulesets.


BTW: When you said:

Posted 21 March 2011 - 06:36 PM

... Normally I might ask the ISP if they're blocking a port (sometimes they block bit torrent ports and the like, such as WoW, although I'm not sure if BioWare uses such a port) but this has happened on two networks and unless I missed something, the other network had a password, but no actual port restrictions.

Did you mean you have attempted to get the exact same machine to connect to the Dragon Age Servers from two different networks, physically taking the machine from one to the other? Or did you mean you've had this difficulty of being unable to connect from the same location to two different external networks?


Presuming the former, I'd pursue two approaches


1. Post a query on the BSN Dragon Age Discussion forum under "PC Troubleshooting" or one of the various "Unable to Authorize" topics.


2. Contact EA Customer Service. Try to trigger the Live Chat option, (sometimes takes fiddling with the problem description a bit to get the site to present the "You need Live Chat" option.) After fighting my way through the automated system to finally getting in contact with them, I've had really good luck with their solutions to the issues I've had. (Which have only really been two, and one was REALLY minor and not even game-related...)

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