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Mods compatibility with each other


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Ok when I was searching through this website I got completely confused and had no idea where to ask this question so if I am asking in the wrong place or asking a stupid question please forgive me.


My question is I have no downloaded 3 different mods:

Midas Magic - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9562

Kvatch Rebuilt - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15412

Companion Vilja - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28977#fileanchor


I am just wondering if these mods all work together

I have read over them all but wasn't really sure

Also just to keep everything in one place I was wondering if there was any other mod i should take a look at?


thanks for any advice or help :)

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The only time mods conflict with each other is when two (or more) directly edit the same thing. For instance, Full Soul Gem Enchanting will conflict with Greater Souls because both mods change the same settings to different values. In this case, whichever mod is last in your load order will have the changes you notice in the game.


Mods that indirectly edit the same thing (such as by using scripts to add things to one or more NPCs) will not conflict. For instance, my Astral Storage & Zero Bounty & Infamy Spells mods both add spells to Calandil. They don't conflict because I use scripts to add the spells instead of directly editing Calandil's spell list.


As for what other mods you should look at, that depends entirely on what you're looking for. What are you interested in? More Arena quests? More Dark Brotherhood quests? A castle you can own? New dungeons to explore? New lands to visit? New weapons/armor? Recolors of existing weapons/armor?


Tell us what you're looking for and we will help you find it (if it exists). :thumbsup:

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The only time mods conflict with each other is when two (or more) directly edit the same thing. For instance, Full Soul Gem Enchanting will conflict with Greater Souls because both mods change the same settings to different values. In this case, whichever mod is last in your load order will have the changes you notice in the game.


Mods that indirectly edit the same thing (such as by using scripts to add things to one or more NPCs) will not conflict. For instance, my Astral Storage & Zero Bounty & Infamy Spells mods both add spells to Calandil. They don't conflict because I use scripts to add the spells instead of directly editing Calandil's spell list.


As for what other mods you should look at, that depends entirely on what you're looking for. What are you interested in? More Arena quests? More Dark Brotherhood quests? A castle you can own? New dungeons to explore? New lands to visit? New weapons/armor? Recolors of existing weapons/armor?


Tell us what you're looking for and we will help you find it (if it exists). :thumbsup:



Thanks guys for both of your replies!


The mods I'm looking for are just general ones I don't really mind what they do I just want to experience loads more Oblivion things. The mods I mentioned are my first mods to try, I really just want to spend loads more hours playing Oblivion, weapon and armour aren't such a big deal, not a bad thing but you know they only change appearance, its just general things really and all the things you mentioned sound good!

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You have a magic mod, a town mod, and a companion mod, so the chances are that there are no conflicts. What tends to cause conflicts is if you were to have an overhaul mod, and another overhaul mod, or a town mod, and another town mod for the same town, or a Unique Landscapes mod plus any dungeon mod, house mod, or other mod in the Tamriel worldspace. (Many patches are available.)
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Yes they do. The stand-alone companions (e.g. Companion Vilja by Emma and CDCooley) will often have functionality that doesn't extent universally (e.g. Vilja has additional dialog topics with some other stand-alone companions but not with the companions added by CM Companions). I believe you will still run into the 'number of followers limit' even though they come from different sources (e. g. one Knights of the Nine follower plus the Adoring Fan plus Vilja plus six CM Partners would put you over the limit). Here's a UESP Wiki link for followers. Edited by Striker879
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