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Character creation/placement help


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  • Open the CS
  • Load up the Oblivion.esm, your NPC's .esp, and the mod's .esp, setting the mod's .esp to active
  • Click your NPC's ID, and drag it into the house's cell in the Render Window
  • May need to change the NPC's ID so that it stays in the mod
  • Save
  • Test the mod only, without your NPC's .esp activated
  • If it doesn't work, try it with both activated
  • If it works, then delete your NPC's .esp, as it isn't needed and will just take up space
  • If it works with both, then keep both activated


Hope it helps! (Although I'm not the best at explaining)

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As long as your NPC doesn't belong to a faction that's hostile towards the player faction (i.e. bandit or marauder factions) you shouldn't have a problem with him/her killing you. As long as your AI packages don't call for travel outside the cell you drop him/her in they'll just wander the cell they're in (must be specifically using a package requiring using a door to leave the cell).
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thank you! last question taht jsut came up....why wont it save? it asks me if i want to save changes, and i say yes, and the TES construction program doesnt close, i exit, asks came question, say yes again, doesnt close. so i press no next time and it doesnt save x.x


EDIT: Also im not sure hwo to create a seperate ESP for my charrie. im sorry i have so many questions, this is my first time x.x

Edited by Hyenafluff
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So when you first start creating your mod you have Oblivion.esm selected and nothing else. Create your NPC and then save. The CS should prompt you for a name for your new esp. Then you want to make your esp the active file (at this point I close the Construction Set and then restart it, but that may be not needed ... just me wanting to be sure my new mod is the active file for sure). Do the rest of your edits (place your new NPC, give them their AI packages etc.). Save your mod and then open it in the game by selecting it in the Data Files from the game launcher. I usually do a few things in the CS and then check my progress in the game.


The other thing to consider is what directory you have installed Oblivion and the CS. If it's the default C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) AND you are running either Windows 7 or Vista you could be running afoul of the Microsoft secuity feature UAC (if you are using Windows XP this won't apply to you). UAC blocks some changes to programs installed in Prgram Files. To avoid this you will need to uninstall Oblivion and re-install outside of Program Files (e.g. C:\Games\Oblivion).

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