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Companions keep fighting.


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ok so i have four companions that i usually take along with me. Jeff Lucas Polly and Tara. but when i try to draw my weapons in the CM Partners mod. Lucas suddenly attacks Tara. and keeps killing her causing a riot in the town and most of my companions are killed by guards or citizens. is there any way through the console to disable the combat that Lucas keeps doing towards Tara? if so please get me the code and step by step instructions to make them stop fighting eachother. its getting really annoying to have to wait for my companions to revive and then get killed again after i draw my weapon.. perhaps we did somthing in combat that Tara accidentally hit lucas with an Arrow. and now lucas keeps killing her :P.

Please Reply asap.




i also apologize for not posting in the right forum. ill be sure to post it into mod trouble shooting next time XD

Edited by Bradleymee
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There is a mod available, which I cannot remember the name of, which prevents companions from hitting each other in battle -- this is the root cause of them fighting each other. I mention this as a pointer. I am sure that somebody who knows the mod will pop in and mention it.



Found it:

Ring Of Companionship

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