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28 Days and a Bit 2 Problem


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I can't find anything documenting the CRC codes and your's isn't mentioned in the readme. Again a quote from the readme:

Before contacting us, make sure that your game launches properly without OBSE first.


Ian (ianpatt) - Designer and lead programmer

Send email to ianpatt+obse [at] gmail [dot] com. (yes, keep the + symbol, it helps me sort email)


Stephen (behippo)

Send email to gamer [at] silverlock [dot] org


Paul (scruggsy)

Send email to scruggsyW [at] comcast [dot] net

As your game launches without OBSE I think you qualify for the email support. Sorry I can't do more for you. Please report back on the solution if you find one so we can all be a little wiser.

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