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More Witcher 3 Armor Mods


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Since Ciri's armor's been converted over to Skyrim, and seeing Yen and Triss's outfits have been converted as well, that got me thinking. Why aren't there any more Witcher 3 armor's converted over? Particularly the Witcher Gear like the bear armor. This has been done many times over with assets from the Witcher 2 and some of those mods are the most popular on Nexus. If anyone's up to it I'd bet money that the mod witch does this would become one of the most popular as well. In the same way that Ciri's armor was though. I know Geralt's default armor was made as well but not to the same quality standard. Just an idea.

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I absolutely agree and pray every day after Ciri release and now Yen and Triss. Maybe because they think there is already a race and armor from wticher 2 but please, we need a Geralt Armor from the assets and meshe from Witcher 3 and if possible a Playable race! I already seen on the net a Playable Yennefer from W3 not just a look like one, its THE yennefer.


So if anyone is able to it, i will kneel!


On my honour! (Witcher fan's will understand)

Edited by Goyah
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Boobs.....that is the armor you'll see first because boobs. It's the way almost any Bethesda game is, the first mods that come out are women concentric and typically sexual (or have sex appeal) Male armors will come of this I'm sure but it will take time due to god knows how many reasons. So until then we just have to sit and wait.

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