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Anyone who knows how to make mods willing to help a newbie?


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I'm looking for someone who is willing to help a newbie make a mod. I am over my head and I could really use someone to assist me. If anyone is willing to help me out please let me know. I know the basics of how to use the mod maker (doesn't seem to save the changes?) and how to hex edit.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I realise this was posted a while ago, but if you're still interested I'll help you. We could do with a few more active modders. With mod maker, you have to use Debug->export then edit the hex, then Debug->import then save the mod. If you re-open the mod, you have to re-import your ebx file every time because it doesn't currently reload your changes from the daimod. Next version will apparently. It's also not possible to make configuration scripts at the moment.

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