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oblivion isolated lag


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Dell Dimension E520

Intel Core 2 Duo 1.86GHz E6300


Radeon 5750 with 1GB GDDR5 RAM

500GB hard drive, 7200RPM, Seagate.


Hi, I'm getting horrible lag in certain areas of my game, such as the Anvil docks and the modded Rosethorn hall, with the bookcases. Also, places with a large amount of real lights lag horribly as well, such as Benirus Manor, which I added a bunch of lights to.

I first thought this was the CPU, but when I monitor my CPU, the activity reaches 89%, tops. My GPU usage doesn't even go past 40%.

If it's not my CPU that's the issue, how do I fix this? If it is, then, I'll go scrounge around for a better CPU, because my crappy Dell can't overclock.


EDIT: before anybody says anything, my drivers are *NOT* up to date, as the most recent drivers conflict with another game. This is the August 2010 revision of my drivers, I think.

I've had Oblivion even before I got the current GPU.

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A lot of people are using computers much more powerful than yours to play Oblivion, so their performance will be different than yours.


Oblivion is an old game, poorly optimized to run well on even the computers of that time period, so performance is a huge issue with most Oblivion players.


Oblivion tends to lag and stutter when there is a lot of stuff on the screen with a hi-polycount. It sounds like bookcases full of books are doing it to you. Some other culprits are snowstorms, rain, grass, hi-res texture packs, and certain clothing, armor, and weapons from mods. Intersecting light radii are one of the very worst things, and vanilla Oblivion is almost as badly done in this aspect as certain mods. Oblivion really slows down when multiple actors are in the same area as you.


So the easiest thing you could do would be to go into the CS and make sure that none of the vanilla Oblivion or custom-added lights in your home have their circles of light shining on the same spot from two directions. You will probably have to do some major editing and perhaps even raise the light level of the cell.

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Yes, LIGHT is the problem.

I have my game in rader HI setings and all buildings and forest in max and HDD-light, not the bloom.no grass shadows,no canap-shadows

(trees) and lees shadows on ini and ext. try and mix a little whith the shadows.

When it rains the game runs very nice, and sun and light gos up the game start to lag a little.


So i did this and it helpt a lot a now the game runs ok, first this is if you have 2-4 ram, go to "ini "in my documents/oblivion and set this


"uInterior Cell Buffer=3 "set to =16

"uExterior Cell Buffer=36 " set to = 102

This buffere more info from the game to ram.


Next do this,


" iPreloadSizeLimit=26214400 " set to =104857600 if you have 4 GB ram you can try to double that but this valu did it for me on 4GB.

" bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=0 " If set to 1, set back to " =0 ".


This setting appears to determine the maximum amount (in bytes) of RAM allowed for preloading game data. The higher the value, the more chance you have of reducing stuttering.


Next do this, download the "free cam" mod, and befor you start going around in game with your avatar take out the freecam and

look around in that area , it will take info in to your ram, then before you start walking around, do a slow 360 in 3 person cam

and take in more info, i do 360 and free cam often :thumbsup:


All this did it fore me and the game runs fine, hope this will help...

best regards Capten Morgan

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For more info (Much more) on changes to your Oblivion.ini - along with a good explanation of what each really does go here.



Recommended - Using the tweakguides, tweak your Operating System first, then your Video card, and then your game. You will only have to tweak the OS & Video once, and then each game gets it's own tweaks.

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For more info (Much more) on changes to your Oblivion.ini - along with a good explanation of what each really does go here.



Recommended - Using the tweakguides, tweak your Operating System first, then your Video card, and then your game. You will only have to tweak the OS & Video once, and then each game gets it's own tweaks.




Absolutly right bben46, it was just some things i did and it helpt me...

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  • 1 month later...

An update: Almost a month later. I have tried out some of the tweaks with little to no performance, including CaptainMorgan's .ini edit.


I installed Vanilla Oblivion on a Thinkpad Laptop (Core i7 2.13GHz 640LM(Low power, low watt), 4GB DDR3, Intel HD Graphics) and there's absolutely no lag at all in the aforementioned Anvil docks.


I also noticed upon installing AFK Weye, there was absolutely no lag at all, but after a while, Weye became incredibly laggy that I'm beginning to avoid Weye like the plague.

Same with Kvatch Aftermath mod - During most of my gameplay with the rebuilt Kvatch, it was lag free, and gradually become so laggy that it dropped down to 2fps.

Same with Abandoned Shack mod, and for some reason, even the interior of Battlehorn castle, and IC Marketplace.

On the otherhand, the Anvil city itself has a very smooth fps. Definitely not performance issues anymore. To test this out, I downloaded Qarl's textures mod and installed it with no FPS hit whatsoever.

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There is no magic one click fix. You are going to have to try things until you find it.


Try disabling the music and sounds in the ini file. Some times that fixes strange things. Just turning the volume down or volume off will not work.


In the Oblivion.ini change both of these. The Oblivion.ini located in C:\users\your user name\My documents\My games\Oblivion

bmusicEnabled=1 to =0

bSoundEnabled=1 to =0

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Disabling the music had little to no impact on the lag.

What I find peculiar is that the lag associated in some of the aforementioned locations were originally lag-free and gradually became full of lag.

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I was having the same problem, in the same areas. What fixed for me was the 4gb patch. you have enough RAM, but you also need a 64 bit OS. Keep in mind that the game will always run slower in these areas. The goal is just to get to where its playable.

I'm using the 4 gb patch on my laptop (intel core i3 2.4ghz dual, 4gb RAM), and like to use big fps killers like RAEVWD, Open Cities,Unique Landscapes, Natural Environments...

I roll through AFK Weye at 12 - 15 fps, and consider it very playable. You may have loftier goals, but considering I only got 5 - 6 fps here before installing the patch im pretty happy.

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