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Water LOD - Hummm


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We've had this issue for years now. I'm hoping to fix it in our final release.


Fast Freddie and I had determined a long time ago that this was due to our land height not being equal to our water height. These are water planes snapped to the grid and applied to the world. Is there a fix for this so the water planes can appear uniformly? Or should I just go ahead and delete the water and leave the lake dry?

Edited by Thaiauxn
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Do you mean those are individual water forms you would normally use in an interior? I've never had much luck using them in worldspaces.


You can raze individual Worldspace cells water hight without editing the entire worldspaces water hight. Go to the cell or cells for your lake, in the cell view window right click on the cell and hit edit. There you will find water hight. Edit it to an appropriate hight for your lake.


This will adjust the water for that cell only but it's a big square so you may have to do some adjustments on your landscape if you see water in odd places.


Hope this helps.

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