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Orc name and description in race menu changed to gibberish?


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Are you using The College of Winterhold (TCOW) Improvement mod? If so, install the additional RaceMenu fix file to correct this. If you're not using TCOW, then open all mods in TES5Edit and find races under Skyrim.esm and look at the Orc Race to see if any plugins are altering the language from what you're using.

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I had something similar to this happen but it was with my skills menu. it ended up being a corrupted file that made all the text turn into stuff like this. maybe try a reinstall if you have the time or find the file (dont know it off the top of my head) and delete it then verify the game cache. that might work

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  • 2 years later...

Are you using The College of Winterhold (TCOW) Improvement mod? If so, install the additional RaceMenu fix file to correct this. If you're not using TCOW, then open all mods in TES5Edit and find races under Skyrim.esm and look at the Orc Race to see if any plugins are altering the language from what you're using.

could you please let me know where i can download this fix/patch ?

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