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Political Correctness,


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For all I know, each and every one of you on this particular thread may be an exception to what I am about to say; but in society today it seems as though there is just too much interest in the packaging and not enough attention being paid to what is inside each individual. If we could change that, the debate on political correctness could fade away into the distance.


I completely agree. I don't care about body parts, body size, skintone, facial features, sexual orientation, gender identity or pretty much any other superficial characteristic. All I have to say is that I think we should all treat each other the way we'd want to be treated--unfortunately, that view isn't very fashionable. :dry:


I'm in my 40s, female, and well above the socially acceptable weight here in the US. Most of the time, I haven't had too many problems aside from the occasional moron. once or twice though, it has affected my ability to get a job. I had a call from an agency three years ago, telling me a client needed an office support person. I have 5 years experience with the sorts of things the position required, and aside from shooting my mouth off here a few times, I'm smart and educated. The lady on the phone assured me it was immediate hire, all I had to do was come in, take some tests, sign with the agency, and the job was mine (this used to be a very common thing with agencies).


So I get down there, only to have her tell me "Well, I need to pass your resume on to them, and they'll let me know." When I commented on what she had said on the phone, she got very evasive and would only repeat what she just said. I had dressed and groomed properly for the interview, I more than matched the requirements for the position, so I can only assume she saw someone in her forties, chubby, and pleasingly average looking and decided I was unfit for the position. Just because I'm not young (she was in her mid twenties, I think), thin and cute doesn't mean I wouldn't have been a great employee! I'm pretty sure my resume was forwarded to the round file after I left, because I'm pretty sure that I didn't fit her mental image of what a proper employee would look like.

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Will yellow text start showing up in this thread?

*shakes Magic 8Ball*


It reads 'yes'.



*shakes mine*


"Ask again later." Aww....


I'm hoping this thread won't fall victim to GIFT. It's been an interesting read so far.


ETA: when I initially posted this, I hadn't noticed it was a zombie thread...

Edited by nyxalinth
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