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Cube Experimental Mod: Opinions, Thoughts, and Reviews


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Part of joining this community was to have a closer look at some of the mods for Fallout 3. So the first mod I’ve downloaded for Fallout 3 was the highly respected Cube Experimental. I wasn’t going to get it at first because I was under the impression it was only available in German, but thankfully an English translated version was available.


The first thing I thought when I saw the title was the 1997 film by Vincenzo Natali simply called ‘Cube,’ and upon playing it’s pretty clear the mod itself draws quite heavy inspiration from the film. Although 'Cube' was an acquired taste, it’s on my personal top 30 so it stands to reason I’d love this mod. The overall feel was very similar to the film and there were one or two parts that actually made me think of ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ as well. Pretentious? Maybe a little, but some parts were genuinely clever and the mod had some tricky moments.


The first part of the game was very (very) much like the film whilst the middle and latter parts reminded me of the Lambda Core chapter in Half-Life; and in a good way. There was a real sense of loneliness and futility to what you were doing and a little techno-mumbo-jumbo does work if you can stack the deck right. But maybe the mod was a bit too much of a departure from the original game (I can’t loot desks – wtf!?) and sometimes it just went downright surrealist, but I think the mod pulled it off.


I can respect if people felt it was monotonous and confusing, but I thought Cube Experimental played wonderfully and minus one or two graphical anomalies looked great. I had a good time and I took me 4 or 5 hours to complete with a sense of satisfaction in the end.


What do we think?


[Edited for grammer]

Edited by darkfox85
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Wow, Cube experimental huh? Been some time ago since I last played that one.


I was actually not aware of the fact that the mod had been inspired upon a movie (or a part of the mod)

Neither have I ever player Half-life so I don't know about that either.


Personally I didn't feel that it was monotonous or confusing or something like that.


I guess in the end, cube is just one of those mods which everybody has to have played at least once and then move one.

At least that's what my experience with it was: I played through it once, gave all the add-on weapons a try (and decided they were seriously overpowered) and then deleted the entire mod again. (though the last was also to prevent any conflicts with other mods)


Furthermore I feel that Cube experimental was a great mod when it just came out but has been trumped by even better mods liked "a note easily missed" and of course the "A Quest for Heaven" episodes which, In my opinion, has yet to meet it's better.

Edited by BlackRampage
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What can I say? I’m a new fella and as such want to explore the old avenues. I didn’t realise it was so dated. I’ll check out the mods you mentioned and see how it goes, but I’m sure they’ll be a blast.


I agree the extra weapons were overpowered and... superfluous really. I’d finished the mod and didn’t need so many guns as a reward, and after two trips to and from my tenpenny apartment I didn’t want to see them again.


But never played Half-life?! You missed a good ‘un there!

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Well, if you are indeed new to this and want to give the mods I mentioned a try, you should really install FOMM (Fallout Mod Manager) first. It's essential when you want to play a lot of mods. (If you don't have it already, that is)

The mods I mentioned also have the added bonus that, story-wise, they don't really depart from the original game. (Although some feel otherwise.)


Yeah, I know I missed a good one with Half Life, but you missed out on 2 great mods which could easily be sold a as an official add-on (I'd pay for them) so I guess that makes us even :wink:

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