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Running a script when the player enters the game?


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My question is how I would run a script when the player enters the game. My goal is to add something to the player's inventory if they don't have it already when they start their game. If anyone would be able to help me that'd be great.


Thank you.

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Hmmm... How about something along the lines of this:


Create a new Quest. Give it a name - "AddSomethingQuest" and tick the "Start game enabled" box. Hit the Ok button.


Write a script along the lines of:


Scriptname AddSomethingQuestScript

Begin GameMode

if player.GetItemCount Something == 0
	player.AddItem Something

StopQuest AddSomethingQuest



Go back to the quest and attach your script.




Well, you know, that's about the basics of it I think.

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Personally, I would keep the StopQuest line but drop the If-statement around the AddItem command altogether. AddSomethingQuest comes with the same mod the Something item comes with, so there is no way the player could already have that item.


If the player starts a new game or loads the mod into an existing savegame for the first time, the quest is running, the script is executed after roughly 5 seconds, adds the item and stops the quest. Another job well done.


What I have seen in a lot of mods is this approach:


ScriptName AddSomethingQuestScript

Short doonce

Begin GameMode
If doonce == 0
	Player.AddItem Something 1
	Set doonce To 1


To me this seems like a waste of resources. Well ... yes ... not a big waste. You'll probably never notice that this quest is now forever running in the background, eating a couple CPU cycles every fife seconds and never doing anything.




ScriptName AddSomethingQuestScript

Begin GameMode
Player.AddItem Something 1
StopQuest AddSomethingQuest


achieves the exact same thing. The script is shorter and the quest is stopped. So now the game engine doesn't have to keep track of it anymore or execute the script every fife seconds. Its done.


This might seem like nitpicking. But imagine you run a game with 100 mods that all use their own quest to add a item. Then you have 100 quests constantly running in the background that don't do anything except eat away precious CPU cycles.


@Nadin: I am really not trying to troll or flame here. Is there a reason why you would want to keep the quest running in this case? If all it does is add that one item?

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