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traveling to fast


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I have run across the problem that fast traveling takes me to my destination almost instantly (i.e: Imperial City, Chorrol - ~2 min in-game-time).


I'm using some mods (see below) though. To my knowledge only the Map Marker Overhaul 3.18 changes the fast travel function, but it should only limit the possible traveling range, not change the timescale...?


The problem remains within my saved games even when I deactivate all mods.

With all mods activated and an older save (from vanilla game) time passes during fast travel like it should. At the same time the Map Marker Overhaul is not working, as it seems to work with a new game only. But I'm not sure, if this mod is in fact the reason for my problem.


Have you any ideas how to track down the problem or how to solve it (without starting a new game)?


List of used mods (load order):


All Natural Base.esm [Version 1.2.1]

MD_Saddle_Master.esm [Version 3.0]

Open Cities Resources.esm [Version 3.5.6]

Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.3.4]

UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp [Version 1.0.0]


All Natural.esp [Version 1.2]

Immersive Interiors.esp [Version 0.7]

Storms & Sound.esp


All Natural - Real Lights.esp [Version 1.2]



Map Marker Overhaul.esp [Version 3.8]


DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.6]


DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.4]


DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.1]

MD Saddlebags V3.0.esp [Version 3.0]


DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.8]

DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp [Version 1.0.4]


DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.5]


Open Cities Outer Districts.esp [Version 3.5.6]

Open Cities Full.esp [Version 3.5.7]

Open Cities new script for city doors.esp

SiC shippingInCyrodiil.esp [Version 836125]

(Open Cities Classic Road Record.esp)

(All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp [Version 1.2])

Bashed Patch, 0.esp [Version 48]

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In game, open up the console and type this:


set timescale to 30


save "YourSaveGameNameHere"

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thank you for your fast reply, that solves the problem.


I didn't realize that the general timescale was reduced to some value lower than 30. Must be a side effect...

Seems as I must decide between a more realistic time scale in general or realistic fast travel, correct?

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thank you for your fast reply, that solves the problem.


I didn't realize that the general timescale was reduced to some value lower than 30. Must be a side effect...

Seems as I must decide between a more realistic time scale in general or realistic fast travel, correct?


Yes. Time scale is taken into account when you fast travel, based on the distance between travel points. With a time scale of 1 (real time), virtually no time passes when you fast travel.

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