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Sneak under ED-E


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I don't think it's feasible to go messing with the eyebot like that, the bounding volume is used so the actors can navigate. Even if lifting the bounding volume worked you would wreck ED-E's ability to navigate terrain and you would find him getting stuck on things like small steps etc. Like devinpatterson said ED-E's disconnection fron the ground is only an illusion and all actors have an interaction with the ground.

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I don't think it's feasible to go messing with the eyebot like that, the bounding volume is used so the actors can navigate. Even if lifting the bounding volume worked you would wreck ED-E's ability to navigate terrain and you would find him getting stuck on things like small steps etc. Like devinpatterson said ED-E's disconnection fron the ground is only an illusion and all actors have an interaction with the ground.


How do Cazadors do it then?

I think you can move underneath them?

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I don't think it's feasible to go messing with the eyebot like that, the bounding volume is used so the actors can navigate. Even if lifting the bounding volume worked you would wreck ED-E's ability to navigate terrain and you would find him getting stuck on things like small steps etc. Like devinpatterson said ED-E's disconnection fron the ground is only an illusion and all actors have an interaction with the ground.


How do Cazadors do it then?

I think you can move underneath them?


Think or know? The reason why I say that about ED-E is because my Flying Mine Bots would get stuck on stairs (even though they and their collision are up in the air) it wasn't until I did the same with my bounding volume that it was fixed.


The "flying" that Cazadors do is written in their attack animations, the skeletons and normal "mt" movements are on the ground.

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Thanks for the explanation. Well, perhaps someone will decide to take a look at this eventually :smile:

No problem miss Jokerine, I'v worked with them a bit in teh past and have a few ongoing eyebot related projects. It's why I have a bit of familiarity with them. For some reason I find them and cyberdogs incredibly enduring/adorable. I want to make a Ralphie toy (maybe softball sized eyebot) that follows ED-E everywhere (kind of like ED-E's own companion).


I don't think it's feasible to go messing with the eyebot like that, the bounding volume is used so the actors can navigate. Even if lifting the bounding volume worked you would wreck ED-E's ability to navigate terrain and you would find him getting stuck on things like small steps etc.

I'v also noticed it can muck up the animations to a lesser or greater degree. I altered the bounding box to provide some basic collision for my cart/wagon project. It can cause some stuttering in the animation (perhaps the very effect your referring to in regard to getting stuck). If the box was edited to include a fairly small cart it wasn't a huge problem, but increased exponentially with larger wagons.


In the same vein, I was wondering if you had any suggestions in re: to actors and carts. It's no problem dropping the mesh in there, but collision has been a challenge. Initially I thought expanding the capsules of the skeleton to cover a small cart would be the way to go. But my version of nifskope doesn't have a way to edit them (I'll try a different rev when I get a chance) and I was worried that hit detection would result in getting the actor (brahmin or what have you) killed when you shoot up the cart.


I'm aware of a few possible avenues like the actorParent node used on Oblivion mounts (but that's for tying together two actors, plus it's probably not recognized by the fallout engine or we'd already have mounts that use it in NV), and Bhk Constraints (but that's for tying together two col objects not a actor and an object), however I don't think they will pan out.


I assume (guess?) there are wagons in Oblivion so I'll try to examine how they did it (I need to fire it up anyway, I'v been meaning to play it since forever), but I was wondering if you have any suggestions?



How do Cazadors do it then?

I think you can move underneath them?

I'm not sure you can play leapfrog with Cazadors. Maybe your point might apply more to ravens. I can check and see if they have some sort of fundamental differences in their nif, that might be a clue.

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Now that's a nasty problem! I can't see anyway to avoid the damage being dealt to it not being passed onto the owning creature. The best I can think of is to add a small bone to the creatures skeleton with a collision body, add an extra bit of mesh rigged to it and set to an obscure dismemberment partition, add another partition in the body part data ramping the Damage multiplier for that part down as low as it will go. Like a hat nif if the cart mesh gets attached to the that extra little addon bone then it will pick up the body part properties, you should be able to setup all the collision etc. for the cart independently (it wouldn't have to be rigged to the skeleton). Hopefully it would Havok on it's own and you need not alter the creatures bounding volume. I have setup dismemberment partitions and not referenced them in the body part data for the Oblivion drone but the part was internal and I have no idea if damage to it would pass to the drone.


If you could get 2 actors linked together with actorparent node that would be the path I'd try since you could build the cart as a new creature (don't laugh tumbleweeds are creatures) and have it so that the wheels of the cart turn when it moves.

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The best I can think of is to add a small bone to the creatures skeleton with a collision body, add an extra bit of mesh rigged to it and set to an obscure dismemberment partition, add another partition in the body part data ramping the Damage multiplier for that part down as low as it will go.

Sorry for the late response, crazy busy week, RL has the audacity to intrude on my post apocalyptic fantasy world.


I'll give that a shot, as a by product, when in V.A.T.S you'd also have the cart targetable, which would be kinda cool.


Thanks for the suggestion


If you could get 2 actors linked together with actorparent node that would be the path I'd try since you could build the cart as a new creature (don't laugh tumbleweeds are creatures) and have it so that the wheels of the cart turn when it moves.

I would love to, but I suspect there are some major hurdles (like maybe the FONV engine doesn't recognize the nodes), otherwise someone would have already cracked it. We have these painful jury rigged solutions (script based, funky centaur skeletons etc) and I would lvoe to have a simple mount or vehicle that works well without them.

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