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Will these mods work together?


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Hello, before i download any of these mods id like to know if they all work together smoothly. I asked a few friends for their favorite mods and used one from each of them. This is what i plan to add:

- SkyUI
- Unoffical skyrim patch
- Immersive armors and immersive weapons
- Skyrim floral overhaul
- Bijin warmaidens
- Skyrim immersive creatures
- Weathers of skyrim

I would appreciate it if someone could tell me if these mods work well together, as well as any other good mods to add for immersion/to beautify skyrim. Thank you!
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Yes, there won't be any problems. All those mods edit different game functions/aspects. Just remember to install SKSE first (SkyUI requires it and a lot of mods are dependant on SkyUI interface). If you own any DLCs install unofficial patches for these too.


SKSE download site:



Use LOOT to sort you mods load order:

(Will be very handy when adding more mods or making bashed patch.)



PS: If you want Immersive Armors and SIC merged drops/loot, you might have to make merged loot table with Wyre Bash.


Edited by BlackRoseOfThorns
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The mods you listed should all work together. I personally have never used Bash, and in this case I think it would be okay if you didn't use it. I've never use Immersive Creatures, but unless there are a lot of humanoid creatures that carry weapons and armor, I don't think it will be noticeable if you choose not to make a Bashed patch. If you have Immersive Weapons and Immersive Armor above Immersive Creatures in the load order, it may apply the new weapons and armors to the leveled lists used by Immersive Creatures automatically, assuming Immersive Creatures uses the vanilla leveled lists. I'm not sure about that, though.
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