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Superhero Mod


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I've been working on a Superhero mod for a little while. I've been trying to improve upon what I've seen other people do with the idea. I just wanted to see what other powers/weapons/items other people might want to see. I'm going for Marvel/DC, but might throw in a few other things from other comic companies if it fits in. Powers will use AP. So far I've made (to an extent) these perks/weapons:




Hulk - turning into the Hulk (very modified Nerd Rage, with super jumping)

Captain America's Shield

Antman/the Atom's Shrinking power

Thor's hammer, Mjolnir

Toxie's mop (there was a Toxic Avenger Marvel comic, so there)



Aqualad/Aquaman- Water breathing, Mirelurk friend, bonuses while in water

Joker's throwing cards

Batman's (a Wasteland-ish version) batarang


-Misc powers-




Action Man/Woman - Requires- Action Boy/Girl perk, 6 Agility and Strength. Adds 50 AP


I'm going to include the following perks/weapons:



Giantman's growing

The Thing's rocky form

Human Torch's fire form

Cyclops' optic blast

Collosus' metallic form

Electra's sais

Ghost Rider's flaming skull form and penance stare (knocks out NPCs with evil karma)

Shocker's gauntlets

Green Goblin's pumpkin bombs

Abomination's form

Gambit - kinetically charged throwing items, kind of like an explosive version of the Rock-It Launcher

Toxie's hideously deformed form



Joker - extending boxing glove weapon, Joker venom, joy buzzer

Scarecrow's fear gas

Different batarangs (explosive, freezing, poison, etc)



Master of Disguise - whatever clothes you're wearing, you're in the corresponding faction of them (like what I read is in New Vegas)


I'll post some images if anyone shows any interest in this.

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Hmm a superhero mod huh? To be honest it's not really my cup of tea. Although the Master of Disguise might be interesting to see in FO3.


That said, I'm actually missing Superman. If you are planning on making a mod featuring him as well, you might be interested in the following mod:


Naturally if you're going to use that mod you should ask the author for permission first...

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Hmm a superhero mod huh? To be honest it's not really my cup of tea. Although the Master of Disguise might be interesting to see in FO3.


That said, I'm actually missing Superman. If you are planning on making a mod featuring him as well, you might be interested in the following mod:


Naturally if you're going to use that mod you should ask the author for permission first...


I actually had a better idea: a modified Vault 5 suit. I'm going to make it look like the 5 was flipped around and sewn on the chest with the yellow neck/zipper yellow part forming the diamond shape around it. Maybe a similar thing with Bizarro, with an albino super mutant.


Update: Master of Disguise works a little too well. Tested it out with Raiders, they just let you kill them unless they see you change outfits.

Edited by Phrozin
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What would really make this interesting is finding a way to tie it in with the Super Human Gambit quest, giving the Mechanist and/or AntAgonizer a place to go to continue their work without destroying whats left of the various towns; having them form some sort of league of superheroes, and giving you a new headquarters and roster of companions to recruit.


Canterberry Common's mayor's son (forgot the name) could work as sort of a hub for the quest, he can give you "ideas" for super heroes and stuff (that is, Quests for getting those powers and possibly a fancy costume), tell you where you could find more "super heroes" to recruit for the league, and eventually you might start seeing other costumed crusaders leaving their mark in the wastes, showing up conveniently during a battle to help you or the bad guys.


I can't think of many specific super powers to add to your list though.


Would be quite interesting to see this, in my opinion. Though I haven't done a lot of looking up on this, if someone did something like what I said already, feel free to slap me upside the head. :P

Edited by CaptainXavious
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What would really make this interesting is finding a way to tie it in with the Super Human Gambit quest, giving the Mechanist and/or AntAgonizer a place to go to continue their work without destroying whats left of the various towns; having them form some sort of league of superheroes, and giving you a new headquarters and roster of companions to recruit.


Canterberry Common's mayor's son (forgot the name) could work as sort of a hub for the quest, he can give you "ideas" for super heroes and stuff (that is, Quests for getting those powers and possibly a fancy costume), tell you where you could find more "super heroes" to recruit for the league, and eventually you might start seeing other costumed crusaders leaving their mark in the wastes, showing up conveniently during a battle to help you or the bad guys.


I can't think of many specific super powers to add to your list though.


Would be quite interesting to see this, in my opinion. Though I haven't done a lot of looking up on this, if someone did something like what I said already, feel free to slap me upside the head. :P


I like your ideas. I might start with first solo hero-ing, then sidekick, then league, after quests/levels are reached. As for hero headquarters, I'm thinking of a few different vaults and other places:


Vault 4: Inaccessible, but surrounded by surrounded by non-hostile robots. 4 vault dwellers got sent out for scouting and research and became the Fantastic 4. Just not too sure what to do about Mr.Fantastic's powers. The others I could replicate to an extent. Might make a ruined Baxter building in which they'd reside.


Vault 5: A scorched crater with just a few damaged rooms left. The vault was used for observing the effects of FEV and solar radiation on the dwellers. The reactor destroyed the vault, but not before a single child was transported a safe distance away. Everyone knows the rest of that story.


Vault 10: 'X', being the roman numeral of 10, only makes sense that this would be the vault that houses Professor Charles Xavier and his X-men. This vault was used for experimentation with a modified FEV and eugenics.


Latveria: (I know it's in pretend Europe) A settlement in the far north of the map. High walls, guard robots, a small village, a castle, Dr. Victor Von Doom, etc.

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