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Annoying Invisible Bandits


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It all started when I reached the stage of Ruined Tail's Tale of the ambush outside of Cheydinhal, when I first caught up with RT after he left me high and dry. I fought a few bad guys that came to kill him and managed to defeat them. On the other hand, 3 invisble bandits joined the fray. They have been following me for several hours now, all over Tamriel. I'd travel to Chorrol, thinking i'd at least lost them, and rest overnight in one of the inns there. Next thing you know, on the following morning, in comes the 3 invisible bandits through the front door, sneaking towards me. They won't attack me unless I attack them first, but my companion Neeshka will engage them assuming I have her set to do so. I looked in the guide for the RTT mod and i didn't see any references to invisble bandits anywhere. The worst thing that happens to them is that they get knocked unconcious. After about 10 seconds or so, they get back up and continue on with their annoying pursuits. I've tried to kill them using the console 'kill' command, but this only knocks them unconcious. Perhaps they didn't even come from the RTT mod, but another one i'm using. I've never seen them before in any other game where i'm pretty much using the same mods i've used in the past. If they are coming from RTT, can anyone point me to where it refers to this? If not, is there any way to get rid of these bandits? It's making it unpleasant to keep coming across invincible NPC's that can kill me and my companions or any other NPC they come across and not be killed themselves.
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if you can select them with the console, the first two letters/numbers of the ID will tell you which module in your load order they are from. ex if the first numbers are A0 then it's module A0 in the load order list in Wrye bash
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Ok. After selecting one of the 3 bandits in the console, it says 'Bandit (7d02a97d)". In the list of mods in Wrye Bash, 7d points me to "7D GuardsofCyrodiilRedux.esp [Version 1.10]."


Guards Of Cyrodiil Redux - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28586


I just updated my v1.10 to 1.11, by the way.


I don't see anything in the description about invisible bandits, unless these are "The Nightblades" it mentions. Has anyone used this mod and encountered these bandits? And if so, is there a way to stop them from following me all over Tamriel?

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If you can click them in the console you could disable them ... not sure how that would affect their mod but they'd be gone.
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I see you posted a question in the mod comments. :thumbsup: The mod author firespark appears to be actively supporting the mod so chances are that you'll find out there. Please post back here with the answer.
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Excellent bryman1970 and a perfect example of the benefits we all get when looking for help from the mod author where possible. Your problem is resolved and a mod bug is found and squashed. Thanks and kudos. :thumbsup:
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