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Fallout New Vegas Crashing at start up


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Hi, I'm new to mods and the nexus in general. I downloaded about 20 mods to give Fallout New Vegas a new vibe while I wait for Fallout 4, but with the mods added the game won't start, it just crashes.


So I've done some reading and it seems that perhaps one of my files isn't loading in the right spot, which might be causing the crash.


Originally I went to download Wrye Flash and Python to figure out the problem but have had massive issues trying to get that program to work (I just can't seem to find the right builds for all the extensions to get it to work).


I figured my next best option would be to paste the list of my load order for you guys to possibly help me out, but I don't know how to paste that list for you guys to see other than using print screen and paint.


Anyone think they can help a scrub get this game running? ^-^


Note: I downloaded a mod that was supposed to help with NVSE crashes and it got the game to start up, but when it gets to the start menu there are no options for setting or new game or anything. It pops up a tab saying Missing Master File and when I click okay the game closes.

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