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Wrye Bash Exiting


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I cannot "X" out or close Wrye Bash. I get a dialog box with information from wxPython "wxPython: stdout/stderr" (see attachment). Then a listing of some information. I have to use Task Manager to close the program. I have the latest version I believe 291 and the 30b updates. What's up?
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What 30b updates? Wrye Bash currently stands at v2.91.


And your error is caused by Oblivion being installed inside Windows' protected 'Program Files' folder structure. Uninstall WB and Oblivion. Reinstall Oblivion outside of Program Files (somewhere like C:\Games\Oblivion).

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What 30b updates? Wrye Bash currently stands at v2.91.


And your error is caused by Oblivion being installed inside Windows' protected 'Program Files' folder structure. Uninstall WB and Oblivion. Reinstall Oblivion outside of Program Files (somewhere like C:\Games\Oblivion).


Thanks for the response. Sorry for the incorrect version quote, I was referring to Wrye Python 03a, which I believed needed to be installed for this version. I have subsequently installed, after uninstalling v2.91 and Python, the v2.91 Beta 2 which does not need the Python files. It still causes a similar problem. Also, before installing anything after Oblivion, I set my "UAC" controls to give me control and "allow permissions" in the entire folder, from Oblivion on down through all its' sub-directories. If it takes reinstalling Oblivion, OOO, MMM, FCOM, Wrye Bash, etc., all over again, then I'll "live" with the annoyance as it seems the program creates the bash 0.esp just fine and Oblivion runs fine. I do still get Oblivion "not responding" when I exit it but again just an annoyance.

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Windows allows installing to Program Files, but subsequent additions and alterations within that structure it will punish you for -- it actually ghosts such entries to a virtual folder, so yes, the answer is to uninstall and reinstall outside of Program Files, no matter what UAC settings you have employed.
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Thanks again for the advice. BTW I simply copied the entire Bethsheda folder over to C\:Games\ and believe it or not everything appears to be working. I even added a new *.esp, used BOSS to load order it, then launched the Beta2 version of WB. Built a new Patch Batch 0.esp and it exited without a problem as you said it would. Think just because I copied vs. installing Oblivion, OOO, MMM, FCOM, etc I may have a future problem?
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Thanks again for the advice. BTW I simply copied the entire Bethsheda folder over to C\:Games\ and believe it or not everything appears to be working. I even added a new *.esp, used BOSS to load order it, then launched the Beta2 version of WB. Built a new Patch Batch 0.esp and it exited without a problem as you said it would. Think just because I copied vs. installing Oblivion, OOO, MMM, FCOM, etc I may have a future problem?


Yes. You will be unable to uninstall Oblivion correctly; you will be unable to install new nersions of utilities that use installers, like BOSS, WB, Nehrim, etc. because all of these look to the registry for the installation location, which still points to your original location.

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