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Ronald - A former Desert Ranger with tribal beginnings, he changed his name to something more appealing to the "civilized' world when he left his tribe at 18 after being framed for a conspiracy to sign the tribe over to Legion's control.


Appearance - Would look similar to one of my characters, Rasputin, seen here: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/images/41184-1-1302130505.jpg Would have a Desert Ranger trenchcoat without the back part, and with leather armor under the trenchcoat (inspired by Tycho's description from Fallout 1)


Perk - Ancient Nevadan Secret: New options for crafting animal steaks at a campfire while he is a companion, regardless of your survival skill. They'd be called "Seasoned Gecko Steak" or something to that regard, and would be much more beneficial in health and for hunger in Hardcore.


Disposition - Is cold and mistrusting to those he does not know. He did not used to be this way as a Desert Ranger, but after their assimilation into the NCR, he went into a bit of a depression. He is not Pro-NCR by any means, but he will not shoot them unless provoked. He is also not Pro-Legion as a former tribal, but will again not kill them unless provoked. He will favor a character that goes the Yes Man route or the House route. If the character goes for either NCR or Legion, he will leave the player after pure commitment has been made (when other factions won't accept your help because you are working with another). He will warm up to the player more along with his quests, and when the player talks to him and empathizes with his opinions and many stories.


Quests - 1. Recruitment: You will find him in an alleyway in some part of outer Vegas (could be North Vegas, Westside, Freeside, anywhere) leaning against a wall. Talking to him will make him immediately shut off the conversation with "I'm busy". Right afterwards, the player will lose control for a bit and watch as he walks over to an approaching man and pulls out his gun and kills him. You can talk to about him, and he'll tell you it's just a bounty and none of your business. Through many branches, you can convince him to tell you a bit about it. He'll tell you that the person he just killed was a part of a larger bounty that involved taking out a decent-sized group of Scorpion members. You can convince him that you're good with a gun or essentially any type of combat, with their respective skills, or a generic "I'm good in a fight" with speech. You'll get to the Scorpion hideout and massacre them, and after that, you'll head over to the man who hired him in a remote desert area at a certain time the next day. During the meeting, player control will be taken away again and a group of Scorpions will come in and kill the man and his guards and then try to kill you. After killing all of them, Ronald will give you half of the bounty that he gets from the man's corpse (2000 caps or so). He'll comment that you make a good partner, and you can suggest that you travel together.

2. Basically, a courier will approach Ronald (player control taken away again) and give him a letter from one of his other ranger buddies that didn't join the NCR. It will tell him the location of 3 people who could be the person who set him up while he was part of his tribe.

These 3 people will be all over the Mojave, all of them familiar to Ronald as they were part of his tribe but got out before the Legion took over. You can decide to kill any of them at any time, but if you don't use your sneak skill to fabricate evidence or your speech skill to convince him how you knew, he will become pissed off and leave you. If you investigate through dialogue and notes in their houses, you will find out that all of them are not the guy. All of the evidence will point to his close friend in the tribe, who is now a Frumentarii. You'll find him in Freeside under the guise of a King. You'll have to lure him into an isolated area in Freeside if you don't want bad blood with the Kings. Ronald's trust of you will increase the most with this quest.


3. This one will be activated after you commit to either House or Yes Man (as in right before the point of no return). It'll be to gather various former Desert Rangers to fight with you at the Dam, kind of like For Auld Lang Syne. There will be a total of 5 guys to recruit.


Finally, Weapon: A unique magnum.

Edited by looloolooigotsomeapples
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Snowflake- an albino radscorpion.

He's small white and regenerates when in sunlight with increased intelligence. his sting does less damage but reduces DT.

I'm trying to make him but I'm new to modding

Recruit mission: he is being attacked by a bunch of ants, when you save him he follows you around.

Perk: "milking"-you can "milk" his stinger for both venom and anti venom. You just sneak up to him and activate which will give you the option, can only be milked once a day.

Loyalty mission: experimental injection

option one: poison is fast acting

option two: more damage but takes a while to do the damage

thats it.

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Here are just some "Snippet" ideas from my other copy of this thread.


A Sierra-Madre style hologram. Just one of those that recorded the last moments of a woman, and now has her personality as a result.


Companion Perk: Ghost In The Machine. Always allowed to attempt to hack computers, regardless of science skill.


Side-Quest: Back In The Spotlight. Convince the Tops theatre to let her perform. Perk Gained: Star Of The Show. Gains the 'Meltdown' perk effect to her holo-laser.


Name:Gregory Fish


Appearance: Similar to a more human-like centaur he has the base body structure of a supermutant with most of his skin falling off. He has three bony arms growing out of his back presumably from reanimated feral ghouls.


Backstory: He was a scientist hired by the NCR to "cure" supermutants of their affliction but his experiments were really involving improving ghouls, supermutants, humans, etc. His experiments backfired transforming himself into the horrible monstrosity he is today.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, there are some good ideas in here. Big thumbs up to the sw90 for these idea threads!


HUGE thumbs up for the Dimensional Traveller Minsc....I will be willing to work on this one after I try doing the HH companions below.


I'd like to cast my vote for seeing some of the Mothership Zeta detainees appearing in FNV. Paulson and Toshiro Kago, as well as Somah. It always stuck me as weird that in FO3 you weren't allowed to keep these companions, as you basically saved there butts from the aliens.


The hologram companion is also a good idea. I have yet to play through DM, so I'll revisit this idea later.


I'd also like to see you be able to bring Follows Chalk out of HH if you choose the appropriate ending for him, as well as Two Bears High Fiving (his companion mod exists, it just needs a lot of work). I have thought about doing these two, and maybe Vulpes, since there aren't really many pro-Caesar companion options. When I wrap up my current two mods I am working on, I'll shift over to getting these guys into game in at least a basic format.


OK, for my idea...


My Name Is Bruce



I am 50/50 on how I want to do this....either bring the Ash character from the Evil Dead series to NV (similar to the original ending in AoD), or to bring Bruce Campbell (the actor) to NV as a kind of Dimensional Traveller.


Ash will require a bit more work than Bruce, as I'd need to modify the cyberarm mod to apply just the hand and forearm, bring in Point Lookout's double-barrel shotgun, and probably do a modified chainsaw. I have an idea for an outfit for him, but I'm missing the chestplate he wore in AoD.


For Bruce I just need to find a nice Hawaiian shirt.


The good news for both is that a near perfect face already exists as a FO3 savegame.



For Ash, the story would need to be involved with finding the Nerconomicon (resources exist in FO3) to take Ash back to his own time.


For Bruce, you don't need a major story...perhaps he was drawn here to fight some evil. As for him following you, no worries if you're a female, though be prepared for cheesy pickup lines. For a male, I'd need to come up with something a little better.


I'll revisit this a little later.

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  • 3 months later...

Name: Tom “Bitterroot” Peterson, otherwise just known as Bitterroot





Wears a duster that’s armored and a backpack (duster can be taken and tweaked from Ranger NCR armor). The pic is only a general guideline. Voice like Sam Elliot. Maybe should come with a pack Brahman.



How do you meet them?, how do they fight?, and what factions they'd like, random ideas like Quests for them, Dialog, Banter, Companion Perk ideas, etc.


Tom is wanted in Montana for murder. He killed the man that took his wife and kids and sold them to slavers. Problem is, there was never any evidence to prove she didn’t just run off, but Bitterroot knew. And he’s good with a gun, so killed the man he believed responsible. Knowing he had a price on his head and gaining some knowledge as to where slavers might be, he headed to the Mojave to make a new life for himself, and to check to see if his family might have been brought here. Either way, he’s here to stay.


So you find him drinking in Goodsprings. He hears you had a nasty scrape and he’ll give you a hand if you help him check to see if a slaver camp has his family at a camp near Novac (they turn out to be not there, but you free some slaves there, possibility for another companion, one that becomes a GF of Bitterroot or turns out to be his sister or something). He’s faction free, he don’t give a damn about politics, just give him his gun, some freedom, and leave him alone. (Maybe after saving slaves he could end up with a ranch near Goodsprings… Actually, this could become his home once “hired” with this as the place he goes to when sent away. He’ll sandbox there tending to his animals and crops. Not in the same place as the McFly Ranch. If his girlfriend ex slave is thrown in, maybe not a companion, but lives at this ranch with him, or even could be his wife along with a boy and a girl, and they live at this place. Might be better Sorry, thinking out loud).


He doesn’t mind killing, as long as it’s a good reason. No flat out murder, except for bounties. Says things like “All down but nine (meaning you’re missing the point)”, says he’s “Among the Willows” meaning he’s on the dodge from the law, calls farmers “alfalfa desperadoes”, calls the wastes the “Badlands” no matter how many times you tell him otherwise, calls his guns “boom sticks”, when he knows something’s not right he’ll say “horse s***”, refers to killing as “putting em down”. Banter…. Not so sure, out of ideas for that. Should be plenty. He’s grim most the time but enjoys a fight.


He’s a cowboy, so gains cowboy percs and uses a .44 revolver and lever action rifle.


Won’t wear anything but what he’s wearing. Usually won’t trade up for another gun, he’s got his favorites and that’s that. Uses a combat knife in melee. Percs Cowboy, (and related) melee, and unarmed.


Not an order taker, but follows tactical commands. He’s polite to women.


As for his family, no need for customization (if his family is rescued type quest), they can be modeled after those on the wastelands. All have dialogue, but only he has companion wheel. And once rescued (if this is the quest) he and his family have a fierce loyalty to you. BFFs!!!

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Name: Private First Class Andy William Wilkins

Appearance: Picture

Allegiance: The Enclave


PFC Andy William Wilkins was and is a trooper of the United States Army, mostly stationed in a "gene scan" outpost in the Capital Wasteland during the events of Fallout 3. He is a talented soldier but turned down officer training as he prefers, when facing trouble, to just shrug it off and say "I'm just following orders". Like everyone else in the Enclave he has a wide set of war crimes on his conscience, but he usually did his best to get away without getting his hands dirty.


By the time the Lone Wanderer was captured by Colonel Autumn, Wilkins was stationed in Raven Rock. He witnessed first-hand how his President spared their greatest enemy and let him sweep much of Wilkins' friends in front of his eyes. To top it all, when they were getting the advantage, the Enclave's own robots turned their guns at the troopers, killing many who were just doing their jobs. Wilkins survived - of course - and evacuated to the Jefferson Memorial. When the Brotherhood attacked with Liberty Prime, Wilkins was commissioned at the bridge crossing the Potomac Rivet. He was badly wounded in a blast and thrown into the river.

"What happened?"

"Our President happened."


He washed up in shore well after the battle was over. He drifted to a nearby Enclave outpost and was flown to Adams Air Force Base for treatment. Soon before being sent back to the frontlines a Sergeant Mendez told him he was going to be recommissioned to Chicago along with a few other wounded troopers. They loaded up in a Vertibird and flew West, but did not reach Chicago as the Bird crashed for unknown reasons. Finding themselves in the middle of the Wasteland and with no maps, Sgt. Mendez begun leading them.. somewhere. The seven troopers, not knowing each other beforehand, just followed Mendez like ducklings convinced he would lead them to Chicago. But he didn't.

"And there it was, a sign announcing: "Welcome to Utah""


After over a year of drifting, scavenging, raiding caravans they finally realized how far they had gone. They also realized Mendez had intentionally led them astray, trying to find a settlement where to lay down weapons and desert. Mendez had intentionally kept them away from roads and towns, claiming that they were a threat but in reality he just didn't want to let the others know where they were. Morale broke down. A Private Melissa Jenkins fragged the Sergeant, promoted herself in his place and decided to lead the men to Navarro Outpost. One of the troopers protested, saying they should return East, but Jenkins facing great stress court-martialed him and shot him in front of everyone else. Another trooper left at night, nowhere to be seen. The four remaining troopers headed West, hopeful about finding Navarro outpost.

"We knew we were screwed. But we had to keep moving. We didn't know where we were. We didn't know where our friends were. We were a pack of stray dogs trying to find a home."


Closing West they begun hearing stories of the New California Republic and Caesar's Legion. They decided to make a short detour south, to Vegas where an alleged pre-war genius was leading the city. When they reached the Mojave they made a wrong turn, to what Wilkins later learned was Boomer territory. In a blink of an eye an artillery barrage tore the remaining squad apart, with Wilkins as the only survivor who through sheer luck fell in a safe spot where the Boomers couldn't see him. Next night he sneaked away, finding himself holed up in Eastern Vegas.

"And there I was. Alone. Alone in a world that hates my guts. So much as mention where I'm from, I'd be sure to get half the NCR hunting my head."


Throughout the story he remains loyal to his cause but is constantly drifting away from the indoctrination that once made him a blind follower of the Enclave, a murderer who shot man, woman and child alike as long as they didn't fit up the arbitrary measure of "human".

"Make no mistake. I believe what the Enclave stands for but there is a difference between loyalism and blindfolded zeal. I never fought for the Enclave. I fought for America."



How do you meet them? When the player meets him, Wilkins is fighting off a band of thugs who are failing badly. Wilkins offers his assistance, pointing out that the player looks like he can use a professional soldier while Wilkins needs a safe place to stay in. He is very quiet about his past at first - obviously - but begins opening up as the player visits enough places with him (compare to Boone). He is very regretful of what he has done in the past, frustrated knowing nothing of what happened to his friends and family, and hopeless as he alone could never survive a return trip East, now knowing that Navarro was razed to the ground decades ago.


How do they fight? Wilkins is an Energy Weapons specialist, and wears his Advanced Power armor Mk.II (aka the "Enclave Power Armor"). In combat he will shout out mostly Enclave combat dialogue, like "Discharging ordinance!" when throwing grenade and "Tango spotted, opening fire!" when engaging enemy.


What factions they'd like Wilkins doesn't care who the Courier sides with, but would prefer if the Courier sides with Mr. House. The NCR he resents for their relentless anti-Enclave manhunt (although understand them). The Legion he dismisses completely, when asked about them he simply puts says "they are savages. That's all I need to know"


Personality: While restrained at first, Wilkins is generally polite and doesn't really care who he is working with (he won't shoot Raul if he is following you). He does make nasty comments if visiting Super Mutant communities, but he will follow whatever the Courier does. The Courier he respects greatly, and after his personal quest will call the Courier a "teacher" who showed Wilkins there is much more in the world than the dimly lit corridors of Raven Rock. Wilkins is sometimes a bit snarky, and eagerly assists the player if the need ever arises. He is, ultimately, trying to make up for his sins.


Personal Quest: Called "We Are Living in America", Wilkins asks the player to make a trip to Boomer territory to pay respects to his fallen comrades. Depending on how the player has treated him so far he will make the decision whether to stay in Vegas and help people with his superior knowledge and skill or to try the return trip to Chicago. The requirement for this quest is alliance or neutralization of the Boomers, of course.


Function: Player achieves Trust Points by talking to Wilkins, based on responses to different comments as with vanilla companions. Female players with Black Widow can earn extra points by flirting with him, which almost always short-circuit his brain and make him lose his thought for a while leading to humorous results. If flirted with enough, Wilkins will become much less stressed and more open, earning special dialogue.




What you think? I designed him to be an amalgam of Boone, Arcade and Veronica. A trooper of a criminal organization, lot of war crimes on his record, loyal to a dying faction but still hopeful, open to new ideas and willing to change his habits to a better way and doing good to make up at least some of his sins.

He may seem like a too harsh person now. I think I'll loosen his morales a little if this catches any air. No fun in having a murderous zealot following you.

Edited by Lawlder
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Here's one from me an idea character that has banged around in my head since the days of playing Wasteland on my old Apple II.



Rattler Vargas


A hard man, scarred and with skin like old leather his dark hair kept cropped close to his scalp. His short beard and mustache kept trimmed whenever he can, his clothing: old military combat armor with a duster and a white cowboy hat (recolor of Desperado for design). his weapon's an odd looking unique laser pistol 'Sizzler' (laser pistol with slightly better damage and able to be full auto) and a crowbar 'Skullbuster' (if that's too much trouble it can be a sledgehammer but i prefer the cane-sized crowbar idea)


A wanderer through the Wastes for many years and adventurer of great experience Rattler is the son of the infamous Snake Vargas; Betrayer of the Enclave, Raider's Reaper, Bunkerlord. Rattler himself has journeyed far from the territories of his father and his companions making a name for himself and staying ahead of family and personal enemies, looking for adventure and a worthy companion that shall lead him to the true injustices of the Mojave.


Best met just after Nipton, coming across his roadside camp perhaps, you would have to best either a small quest or a series of skill challenges to prove you are worthy of being his companion. Once you have his loyalty (or at least his companionship) he will journey with you sticking close and firing 'Sizzler' whenever combat comes up unless the enemy comes to melee with you then unleashing his crowbar "Skullbuster" on them.


Due to his father's history, and his own, he has a special dislike for the Enclave (who trained and then tried to eliminate his father and his friends, before trying several times to capture and brainwash Rattler himself) and for any Raider/Fiend types after all his years of combating them. He is indifferent to the Legion and NCR, and somewhat amused by the limited way the Western Brotherhood seem to see their mission of finding and preserving the ideals and tech of the old world. He would accept any of the Strip families (not White Gloves after they discover the cannibalism).




random thoughts for different things:


Comments: "Woo let's make some ashes!" (a battle cry)


"At least these don't explode when you kill em!" (battle cry)


"Sure, Champ, we can do that." (interaction comment)


"Ahh Hell, burned through another charge pack!"(battle cry)


Companion perk idea: "Seen it all before" randomly find ammo, workbench/reloading bench components, consumables and most rare chems.


after loyalty quest perk: "And done it all twice" same as "Seen it all before" and +5 to all player skills while Rattler is a companion



recruitment quest idea: "Band on the Run" a small Enclave team, like Rattler's father and his friends started as, have gone rogue and now seek to escape their Enclave masters, he has picked up thier signals and now want you to go and talk to them finding them a place to live (perhaps a choice of them heading to Nipton, Good Springs, Primm, with good karma and perhaps reward items and mini-rewards when you talk to them in town every so many game days, or the certain death route of sending them running to New Vegas north along the I15 would definitely cost you large in the karma department and cut you off from the mini-rewards)


Loyalty quest idea: "Riders on the Storm" They are coming for him, the Black Riders, the most terrifying enemies that he has ever faced, men and women twisted by science and strange tribal medicine (magic or if you prefer to stay outside the fantasy genre we go with they are just mutant powers, psionics basically) into horrors that will ravage the Mojave if they do get him since that would end thier distraction.

I see one cyber enhanced, one partially mutated, one covered in tribal tattoos, and one that is totally covered in thier clothing (black duster, helmet that conceals the whole head with Desperado hat on over it, total covering of hands and such...moving and dieing like a Ghost Person, basically a Ghost person with black duster and desperado hat added) the others all wearing thier black duster and desperado hats as well (perhaps sleeveless duster for the tattoo covered pyrokinetic/firecaster woman, and definitely for the grey skinned partially mutated one I see him as halfway to the size of a supermutant with supermutant features but grey instead of green/blue) Cyber enhanced...well a cyborg that you can see is a cyborg with a black duster and Desperado hat...hmm he'd be best off with a -one- sleeved duster one torn off to expose the cybernetic arm) I envision this as either a horrifically difficult fight or 4 less horrible but still highly challenging fights by convincing them that you can bring them to something that will tempt them each individually, learning what that would be and convincing them would be difficult in itself but much better than trying to take on 4 bosses at once.


Personality: Rattler is a man that has seen it all and done it all, bad, good or profitable, all in an attempt to find something he really wants to do and a place he can call home. He is most interested in helping do the most impossible things, helping the underdog and kicking the asses of the biggest assholes, he also seems bent on passing on every tip and trick he learned from his father or picked up himself.

Edited by greenknightfury
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