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Help I'm stuck on a dark brotherhood quest, Its the one where you have to kill all the guests in the manor.


Now I have done this quest before so I know what to do but this time when I go to enter the building the door won't open, the guy outside says the same stuff ( your the last guest and all that ) but I can't get in.


I have tried to used the unlock command and still the door won't open, I think a mod I have added must be messing with it.


Is there anyway I can get in without using the door I.E. is there a command to jump inside the building ?


please help I don't want to have to remove all my mods.

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i guess your right about the mods. Simply deactivate them, enter, save, exit, reactivate, and there you go!


Will I lose all the stuff I have saved in the mod houses and castles when I deactive them ?


i guess your right about the mods. Simply deactivate them, enter, save, exit, reactivate, and there you go!


Will I lose all the stuff I have saved in the mod houses and castles when I deactive them ?


Sorry forget the above post :blush:


EDIT: Merged your posts. Please use the edit button beneath your post if you have more to add. Thanks. ^^


- Switch

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Then ther's always the coc solution: open the console and type coc + the name of the cell (find it in the CS).

That will teleport you inside the manor.


The problem with the 'untick the mods' solution is that, yes, you should lose everything that comes from those mods you're unticking... :(

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