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Add armor HP to aliens?


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I made a very simple hack to leave red fog penalties when unit is healed, they apply only when armor HP is pierced, but aliens do not have armor HP and get the penalties as soon as they get hit.


Has anyone look into alien armor hp before? Or it's hardcoded?

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I've managed to add some bonus armor HP by setting iHPBonus on the alien weapons, it doesn't scale with alien research but it's something.


Here's how distributed the base and armor HP


Sectoid...........3+0 -> 3+0
Floater...........5+0 -> 3+2
Thinman...........5+0 -> 3+2
Muton.............8+0 -> 5+3
Cyberdisc........18+0 -> 12+6
SectoidCommander.15+0 -> 15+0
FloaterHeavy.....15+0 -> 9+6
MutonElite.......20+0 -> 8+12
Ethereal.........20+0 -> 15+5
EtherealUber.....60+0 -> 55+5
Cryssalid.........8+0 -> 5+3
Zombie...........12+0 -> 12+0
Berserker........20+0 -> 10+10
Sectopod.........35+0 -> 15+20
Drone.............3+0 -> 1+2
Outsider.........10+0 -> 10+0
Mechtoid.........25+0 -> 10+15
Seeker............4+0 -> 2+2

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It color codes it only if the player controls the unit, for aliens the hp bar is al the same color.

By the way, I just realized that Cryssalids won't regenerate their full hp, only the base.



Edited by LiQuiD911
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