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How do you give somebody a potion?


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I see that in the Golden Crest mod quest, you need to give Landsman Earl two invisibility potions. How do I do that? I have two Strong Potions of Invisibility in my inventory, but when I click on him, I seem to have no option to give him the potions. Is there a trick to it?


While we are on the topic of interacting with NPCs, is there a way to heal an NPC (or a horse, etc.)?





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For the Golden Crest Mod quest, you can't use the potions you have in your inventory. You have the get the ones IN the mages guild or it won't work.


Well you can use a heal spell that can target someone.

Or...it's kinda a cheat but if you get: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17497 -Active Inventory Spell and just put in a potion manually.

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