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TES 5 and current mods


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I can't find any real info about TES 5, (Skyrim) but I do have high hopes that it will follow in it's predecessors footsteps and be very open and very moddable.


With that being said, are any of the modders here planning to port their f*******-awesome mods over to TESV?


Also. Does anyone know if TESV is going to be 64-bit? Please tell me it will be. The limitations on Oblivion being 32 bit and single core only are killing me :P

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Skyrim will have a mod toolkit released just like they did for other recent games. That has been confirmed. They are using a new engine this time, so it is unknown what exactly will be possible. It may or may not be possible to do simple ports. The mesh format might be different, for example. Anyone who might be in beta testing or have press access to it already would be under a non-disclosure agreement, so we probably won't know the mod situation until release. There will be ports, I am sure. What gets ported will probably depend on which modders like Skyrim, and on what has changed in the new game.
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