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Wild West


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I am not much of a modder my self, I am just throwing out an idea.I was always enjoying western theme movies. Specially admiring the dark characters within. I was dissapointed with the official DLC and i am hoping to something like that in the future.


As i was playing with GECK i noticed it would be possible to make a huge mod (dlc)of a Wild West Theme.

If you think about it most stuff is already there. The mod would change completely the feeling of fallout 3 NV world .


At first the NV world could be cleared from modern technology modern buildings ,modern reckages modern armours and weapons.

The land it self already gives a wild west feeling .

Legion and NCR could be replaced with Southern and Northern armies .Maybe with some big battlefields in map.

The raiders and prisoners could be replaced with outlaws and famous gangs.

The tribes with indian camps that they would use only melee weapons and projectiles. Also farmlords ,merchants.

Wasteland creatures with bears , wolfs , etc.


I was also thinking about creation of cities/villages with different architectures (since DLC dead money material can give some awesome mexican style villages). With saloons taverns banks.


What is not there : The mod would require horse mount conversion from oblivion. Southern and Northern armies armour creation.

A train model , boats . Some Script and dialogues.


I am sure this kind of mod requires time and more than 1 man assigned on it. I am starting modding atm Boulder City in my free time and i will see how it goes:D.

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It's a good idea, make no mistake.

But, as you say, this kind of mod would require time - vast amounts of it - and it would require a complete overhaul of the game. It wouldn't be Fallout New Vegas by the time it was done with. Too many of the elements of the core gameplay would have to be removed. Quests that relate to any modern/futuristic technology would have to be removed or remain uncomfortably out of context, anything that takes place in modern building would similarly be without context or have to be removed completely, and every spoken line of dialogue would have to be re-recorded to fit the altered setting, and the most drastic change would be the massive conversion of the Vegas Strip. Altering that to fit in with an old west setting would be an almost Herculean task.

I'm sorry to dampen the mood, but in the end, it wouldn't really be the same game. It sounds like you want an enormous, open-world Wild West RPG. Red Dead Redemption is pretty much just that.

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instead of doing a total conversion, which would be too much of a task for any modder or modding team why don't you build a new worldspace like a kind of DLC.


You can start by building a small town and create some quests around it. I saw something of a western town as a modders resource on the nexus.(you can use that and build on it.) After you have created the core buildings try to recruit some more modders for more geck work and questmaking.


As for weapons many already exists in the game resources for instance lincolns repeater. Many talented retexturers and remodelers would volunteer if you can get the core parts together.


armor can be made by retexturing the enclave uniform. in the upcoming projekt gone hunting they are already working on a native american suit. there is also a clint eastwood poncho somewhere on the nexus.


in short many of the resources are available already. (you need permission of course.) Build the mod in modules so the workload is manageable. I for one would love to play and perhaps even work with such a mod once you have the core of the town done.


EDIT: Unfortunately porting horses from Oblivion is illegal. There is a mod with a ridable Brahmin but that wouldn´t be right so my suggestions is to do it without horses.


I like your idea and I will follow your progress with interest. I haven´t done much building in the geck myself but if you can get the core parts together I may be able to help with dialogue, quests and scripts. (I don´t have dead money and are not planning on getting it, something I share with many players so I would advice starting with vanilla resources.)

Edited by viking99
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  • 1 year later...
How about something simpler for starters? Still a fallout scenario but inability to create ammunition for all advanced weaponry (and keep robots with power) impossible. Remove any flamethrower, automatic weapon, etc. Leaving the most advanced weapons being the battle rifle and the hunting rifle.
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The biggest impediment to a wild west remake is horses. For some obscure reason horses (which are lore as they did appear in an earlier fallout) are not included. As the same basic game engine was used for Oblivion, Game engine limitation is not an excuse.


There have been several attempts, but so far nothing viable.


Unless you want your cowboys running around like the Knights in Monty Python's Holy Grail movie - possibly with a NPC named 'Patsy' to follow behind clapping a pair of coconuts together. :tongue:

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  • 1 year later...

I think Ive read on the forums that Dual wielding is impossible to do on NV. But I love this idea. I for one use every and any cowboy themed mods for NV and love to play Honest Hearts just because of its tribal theme.

I always found the world of New Vegas would have been so suited to the cowboy theme. More specifically I always found that there were certain areas that could have been used for certian cowboy themed quests:

Bonnie Springs (Always found the small settlement could have been a great place for a mexican standoff/showdown like event)

Hidden Valley (Yes it B.O.S Terratory but how many other people know that? With the dust storms and bark scorpians an ambush event would be both challenging and fun)

Sewer systems (A more indian Tracker type idea here where your told to go down to the sewers and follow clues to find someone)


Im looking forward to hearing more about this

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  • 5 years later...

If somebody is goin to do this idea, i say 2 things: thank you and good look

This is a damn cool idea, but its very expensive

I really would like to play in a western map, not in a 1960 post apocaplyptic map

I would really like to be fighting a whole tribe with a ye ol' revolver in my horse, with the help of some gangsters

Please somebody do this idea


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