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Do you act like a Normal Person in OBLIVION?


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Well, Me, i act a lot, like Sleeping in night, Eating at Pubs. and Has a lot of Clothes. [Like a Set of clothes when you are in the city, Your Casual, Travelling, and Quest clothes. i have many.]


That's why i download mods. to experience Oblivion's Power of Roleplaying. Thank you Modifications!


Do You ROLEPLAY in Oblivion? In What Way? In What Condition?



[also this can be a SKYRIM Roleplay suggestion Thread.]

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Thanks for the question. Got me thinking along lines that hadn't occurred to me.


In many ways, yes my Oblivion habits mirror my real life habits (sleep only when I must, travel solo regardless of the neighborhood, stuff like that). I started thinking about how that works into my planned next play-thru. You see my first play-thru was pretty well vanilla except for a few armor/clothes/body/animation replacers. I was thinking of using some realism mods for my next time around (you know economy, eating/fatigue mods and the like). The problem I might run into doing that is around the eating part. My current guy has eaten maybe a dozen times in hundreds of hours game play (which somewhat mirrors what happens to me when I get on a roll with the game, just a bit more extreme for my game guy). If I go the realism route we both will need to change our ways ... trouble is he won't gain weight the same as me!!

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Thanks for the question. Got me thinking along lines that hadn't occurred to me.


In many ways, yes my Oblivion habits mirror my real life habits (sleep only when I must, travel solo regardless of the neighborhood, stuff like that). I started thinking about how that works into my planned next play-thru. You see my first play-thru was pretty well vanilla except for a few armor/clothes/body/animation replacers. I was thinking of using some realism mods for my next time around (you know economy, eating/fatigue mods and the like). The problem I might run into doing that is around the eating part. My current guy has eaten maybe a dozen times in hundreds of hours game play (which somewhat mirrors what happens to me when I get on a roll with the game, just a bit more extreme for my game guy). If I go the realism route we both will need to change our ways ... trouble is he won't gain weight the same as me!!


Oh, a Good Roleplayer in Oblivion.


I Don't Think they have a mod that can Change your Weight while eating many at Oblivion. that would be cool if they have a mod like that.


and i suggest you Download some Realism mods now. because you will experience new changes.

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Yeah, such mods are must-have ones for me =)

I don't play Oblivion if feel that I cannot do it without enough concentration -- cause I'm perfectionist.


I am, too a Perfectionist, sometimes. when i am in the Happy side of the Day.

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One thing you can do along with the realism mods is alter the default timescaling so you don't end up having to eat ten times in one gaming session. Obviously switching to a "real time" scale is making the game seem "too small", as you can run across the whole gameworld in under 20 minutes, but setting it so a day lasts 4-5 hours means you only get one days-worth of meals, etc, in a session.


I've been recently reading up on some of the realities of medieval life, and a "full realism" mod based on that time period would be awesome, but horribly complicated. Even running a small village "correctly" would push the AI system to near breaking point, if not beyond. But there are certainly many mods to help with immersion into the gameworld.


Given the setting, and the game limitations, the most immersion-straining aspect for me is how easy it is to get really expensive gear. Based on Medieval wages and values, the relative costs of weaponry would make a dungeon crawl VERY tempting, even if the reward were to only be a better dagger - the costs of the items are THAT high compared with typical daily wages. Second to that comes the lack of infrastructure - where does the food come from, where are the shipments in and out of villages and cities, and why do the NPCs never seem to actually DO anything with their lives.


Within those limitations, though, I try to role play as much as possible. At least I play a very solitary type, so I don't spend my whole time feeling that I'm lacking conversation with real people.

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That's a good suggestion, to change the time scale. I have been attracted to the hunger/thirst/sleep mods, but I haven't used them because I felt they would turn the game into a time management game. I like those kinds of games, but I've been concentrating on storyline type rp and didn't think I could do both without sacrificing the storytime. I'll give it a try. Right now I just have my characters eat and drink and sleep when they can.


The NPCs not having to do anything has always bothered me. This mod is really interesting, but someone needs to make a new version because the project is officially dead:


http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5338 NPCs with Jobs


Just downloaded this one but haven't tried it yet:

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19197 Street Sweepers


I've been researching pricing in medieval times, also. Would appreciate a link to any good sites you have found. I am still working on my first mod, which is a pricing mod for my own use at this point. I'm very interested in the difference in pricing between lower class, middle class, and upper class items. I don't think the game did enough there. Class systems are pretty disturbing to play, not for everyone, but it definitely feels more medieval.



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In Oblivion, my character is a superhuman that doesn't seem to need any sleep or food. I don't do very well with role-playing hunger and sleepiness. I avoid waiting, and prefer to have my character do activities or sleep in a bed when I need to wait. Sometimes I have my character wait in a tavern while waiting for a certain time to pass so I can do something for a quest. I figure that a tavern is the sort of place a person in real life would be happy to hang around in.


When I do manage to actually find a bed and take the time to sleep, I try to give my character a nice eight or ten hours of sleep because I figure he is really tired by now.


With eating, I usually don't sell or make potions out of food items I find. I save them and carry them around and now and then I remember to eat some of them. I mostly remember to eat them when I have found too much loot and am overencumbered. I eat a meal so I have capacity to carry my loot home.


I am however a stickler about role-playing my alignment. In real life I have a good alignment. I have about 20 Oblivion characters and all but one of them have a good alignment. This one evil character is a notorious thief, but he avoids killing people. He didn't used to be so wicked, but I needed a character who could test certain bad-alignment mods. I have been thinking about someday playing the Thieves Guide quest, but have never gotten around to it. It was ages before I played the Arena quest, and I did that because I needed to play it for a mod I was working on. I sort of doubt that I will ever play the Dark Brotherhood quest, because it does not match the alignment of my characters, so it would be bad role-playing to play it. I am not likely to start any new characters that would be appropriate for that sort of questline.

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I spend most of my time roleplayin a psychotic vampire schyzophrenic killing when no witness are present.


For the food : blood.


But not so many set of clothes even if I tend to keep one "casual", one "fight",.... more or less 4different set principally used for their different bonuses.



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