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Do you act like a Normal Person in OBLIVION?


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I like walking around randomly acting cool with mah companions. Maybe i'll randomly do something like cast a "smite of order" spell on someone and run away with companions laughing... then get lectured with the famouse words: "Stop right there, criminal scum!"
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I don't really act normal but I act like how I imagine my character would act, my 1st character was an evil vampire so I wouldn't really sleep or eat much however I owned a house in cheydinhal and when out in the day would dress normally but in night or when adventuring would wear dark brotherhood armor :P I tend to do this with most games as it helps have a deeper experiencee...might be strange but for me it makes games funner :)
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At day i'm a cute wanderer, at night i'm a ruthless killer.


I should probably mention i'm talking about my female character.


Oh, you almost scared me for a minute :)

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I didn't aim for any kind of realism on my first play-through, and that was fine, but by the second or third time I was beginning to realise what COULD be done. So now I run assorted realism mods to force me to eat/sleep / whatever, and to some extent the world around me is forced to work that way too. Playing a stealthy character, I'm always on the lookout for mods to add things like climbable walls, upper windows you can enter, etc.


I'm running a low level female Bosmer character having just restarted. During the day (when not adventuring) she dresses in "nice" clothing, to blend in. "At work" she currently wears a nightblade armor (I'm running a full FCOM install so get the pick of the OOO armors), which she "liberated" from a dead body in the tutorial dungeon (he was duelling with a mythic dawn assassin in the sewer, and when he lost she shot the victor before she could heal). She always changes back out of the nightblade stuff before interacting with non-enemy characters, as a real person would. She even returns to her house to change if possible, before selling loot off, as a real person wouldn't lug excess clothing around when adventuring, unless they expected to HAVE to be interacting.


One mod I intend to try (if I can find one I like) is one to change the way npc's react depending on how you are dressed. Social status should change their reaction, as should armor type - Dark Brotherhood clothing should drop Imperial disposition to a VERY low level ideally, and even if they then see you in vanilla clothing, it should take a long time to recover, if ever. Of course, the problem there is if ONE imperial sees you, they ALL have their disposition changed instantly, rather than the information spreading slowly (say at shift change within a city, or at distance-related intervals if travelling), but implementing such a radical change would (I believe) involve each and every guard being a separate named npc not a generic character as a bare minimum. NOT a simple, easy mod.


OK, ok - I'm a pseudo-realism freak.

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I honestly can't remember which mod it was, and I haven't found it again since I reloaded Oblivion some months back. It may have been a pre-release one - I remember it was buggy as anything. If I find it again, or a similar working one, I'll let you know.


Edit: I think it was probably this mod, but I used it ages back so I'm not sure, I just vaguely remember dragging ladders around by using the Z key. at the time it was Anvil only. The bugginess may well have been other mods I was trying.

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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At day i'm a cute wanderer, at night i'm a ruthless killer.


I should probably mention i'm talking about my female character.


Oh, you almost scared me for a minute :)

Yeah im not like that really hehehe


*kicks dead body under bed*

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At day i'm a cute wanderer, at night i'm a ruthless killer.


I should probably mention i'm talking about my female character.


Oh, you almost scared me for a minute :)

Yeah im not like that really hehehe


*kicks dead body under bed*


It's no good kicking it - you need to shift the other ones over a bit to make room :)

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Sounds a little like my Benirus Manor basement ... I have a rouge's gallery of persistent dead bodies piling up (yes, I'm a console junkie).
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