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Do you act like a Normal Person in OBLIVION?


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There was a suggestion in Oblivion Mod Requests for the burying option ... the two would be a perfect marriage in such a mod. If you don't bury them within a certain time you get sick from being around one. The only fly in the ointment is all the persistent dead bodies that Bethesda leaves laying around for us. I'd need to take off my 'Paramedics of Cyrodiil' hat and put on my 'Gravediggers of Cyrodiil' hat. Pretty soon I'll need a backpack to carry all my hats on my travels (I also have a 'Defender of Tamriel Travelers' one that gets worn quite often). Edited by Striker879
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I think I'll look into that. I don't think it would be that difficult but I may be underestimating since I am just starting to learn how the scripting works. Right now I am using Decompose Corpse spell to get rid of them. Has not caused any issues in my game. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4139


After reading this mod's comments, it may be really difficult after all to give a PC or NPC that collects rotting bodies a disease just for having them lying around in the necromancy laboratory or unrolling a bedroll next to a heap of corpses. It sounds like your character would need to activate the corpse, but perhaps there is some way around that. Diseased Corpses http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9758 Comments there indicate activation may be the only way.

Had a look at theVector's description (best known disease mod) and again, it seems your character activates the corpse to get infected. However, it does mention getting diseases from "lurking in unhygienic places" like sewers. I think it detects what kind of location you're in, like dungeon or sewer, rather than detect all those rotting bodies stashed under the bed, but I could be wrong. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25835

Communal Graves and Freshly Dug Tombs http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4619 could be used to dispose of fresh bodies before you get exposed to diseases maybe, but I haven't tried it yet.

Graverobber BETA1 already lets people rob graves, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8942 and it has a digging into graves animation apparently. Maybe if I look at that I can figure out how to do it in reverse. It would actually be sort of nice from an RP standpoint to be able to have burials and funerals. I have seen that requested once in awhile. Maybe if there isn't a bounty on you for killing said person, you could drag them to an undertaker and pay a fee to have them buried and a priest chant.


Actually...hmm...check out Buried Treasure. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16129 You get to make 3 holes with dirt mounds, and you can store anything in your inventory in there, as much as you like. Something like that altered to allow items to be dragged into it instead/in addition would work perfectly, wouldn't it? That mod also has a feature that makes pirates and thieves sometimes turn up up, which could be interesting. I wonder if Da Mage would be at all interested.


Aha! This mod lets you put corpses into inventory and drop them elsewhere, so it may work with Buried Treasure already. Corpses Collector: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30248 They don't decay, though, which isn't very realistic, but would get rid of the problem of what to do with them to prevent illness.


If anyone does feel an urge to make this mod that encourages the PC to bury bodies or get a disease unless you get rid of them somehow, go ahead. I'd probably break a lot of things trying.


Whew, my most morbid post ever. I usually make mod lists on the lighter side of immersion. LOL.

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<evil grin> You could integrate the burial mod with a gardening one - many plants grow faster and better if you plant them over a corpse. Traditionally (in some areas of the world) grape vines are planted with a dead cat or dog under the roots...


Diseases ... could you check for the presence of a corpse in the cell you are in, and would that give you sufficient localisation to be likely to be infected by it? I also think that a timed corpse decay is good, and maybe 2/3 days after death start to hear flies buzzing if nearby - that's the start of the infectious stage. Once partially rotted, the corpse should maybe have a chance (or an option if a spell cast) to reanimate as a zombie, and once the flesh is gone, as a skeleton. If it's outdoors it should also attract predators if fairly fresh - say a day or two old - so you'd have to fight off wolves or bears to get to the corpse if you need to return to it.


And once buried - how about necromancers employing grave robbers to get more bodies? The Burke & Hare mod...

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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Telyn, as always, you are the Queen (or King, as the case may be) of SEARCH!! I could only dream of bending a search engine to my purpose like you. Of particular interest while perusing your picks was this (from Graverobber BETA1):

Disturb the dead

Be careful while digging up graves during the night, because you can disturb the dead!

When you are digging between 19:00 and 05:00 it's possible that some ethereal enemies spawn near you!

Now if you're burying 'some of your own work' you should need to be careful around that spot in the future. To incorporate some of MarkinMKUK's idea (and I was ROTFLMAO on reading your post Mark) some time down the road you're picking flowers (or better yet some of those not so common so you can't pass them up grows where someone has died Cairn Bolette) for alchemical purposes and you forget you planted Alval (who so pissed you off with his arrogance you didn't even wait for the DB contract to 'cash his chit') right there. Look out behind you ... he's not happy!! :tongue:


Give a man an idea and you'll perk his interest for a day.

Teach a man to mod and the whole world will cease to exist for him for days at a time.


Sorry Mark ... couldn't help myself. Plagiarism is my sin, but I've loved your sig for some time now.

Edited by Striker879
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Well since this is set in a "dark age's" setting wouldn't mass graves or large scale cremation be more common for the average citizen who rarely earns more then enough to eat much less pay for a funeral.


During plagues there were certainly mass burials, if you were lucky and got buried at all. Sometimes an entire village would be wiped out and there would be nobody left to bury anyone. Plague epidemics were frequent. There were plague cemetaries in cities. As for common citizens, you may be thinking of "potter's fields," which I believe were more for strangers or people who had no land and no family to see to their burial, also sometimes for criminals. A poor family would probably do most of the preparation themselves, and priests traditionally did not charge for funeral services, though a donation is certainly traditional to this day and was encouraged more strongly in some places and times than others. Being a debtor was a crime which you could be imprisoned for, so I am sure the poor were well represented in communal burial sites. Some of the mass graves whch have been discovered actually turned out to be reburials. It has been common historically in many cultures to move old remains out of burial places to make room for newly deceased.


You can read general information about funeral traditions throughout history with a strong emphasis on Britain here at Spoilheap. http://www.spoilheap.co.uk/burintr.htm Oblivion has several of those. In the IC and churchyards there are cemetaries, and there are dungeons which have both coffin and catacomb style burials. Possibly the small aeyleid casks might be for ashes, though I have never seen any ashes or bonemeal in them. Necromantic practice in Oblivion seems to depend on lack of cremation.



@Striker879 Thank you. We are pleased. LOL. But seriously, the only trick I have is I use the advanced search and try as many keywords as I think relevant. The search function here is quite good, but it's easy to miss the advanced features.


@ MarkInMKUK Some good ideas there. Maybe grape vines for men? I'd think roses for women, but Oblivion is sorely lacking in roses (why IS that?). Morning glories seem to be the flower that takes their place. Or they might plant herbs like garlic that have legendary warding properties.

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