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Hands position on weapon?


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I've recently started my first mod and am wondering if it is possible to choose how the character grips the weapon. For example, I'm currently editing a scythe weapon and am trying to make the character grip that small jutting-out handle thingy (circled here)with one hand and the main pole of the scythe with the other.


Thanks in advance

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Would be a tremendous effort. If you start with 2hand animations, you have to change at least 3 of them frame by frame, if you want your PC or companion to move and fight this way, you have immediately 20 or more animations. Average around 30 frames.


Some OBSE scripting to change the animation set on equip/unequip certainly is the smallest problem.

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In real life that small handle is only actually used when the scythe is used to cut grain or long grass. It's held with the blade low and swung parallel to the ground in a sweeping motion with your right hand on the small handle and left up higher on the main shaft (yes I've actually used one ... don't ask why, I still get nightmares :tongue: ). The scythe could be used to swing up high in the same manner I suppose, and having the two handed grip would make using it to block also possible. The power swing would be using hand holds like your pic shows.
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Not the wrong hand position for blocking ... actually the right position for that. I'm not disagreeing with fore on the difficultly of what you propose, but it would be a cool addition to the game. Farmers unite ... pick up your hoes and rakes and scythe and kick some bandit butt!!
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