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BOSS, BOMM and Wrye


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Alright, so I haven't played Oblivion for the PC.. ever. I've played it for a great while on the console, and I brought the game up the other day, and my friend said that it was so much better for the pc, especially because of the addons.


I've been trying to download certain mods that would let me get the best experience with the game, in doing so, I've come across a few guides. I just have a teeny problem.. I'm no newbie when it comes to computer stuff, but man, reading the 'readme' and 'guides' sometimes feels like i'm reading another langauge.. I've basically been following this guide for FCOM: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/924363-the-elder-scrolls.../49456133


Honestly picked the guide because it seemed like an easy guide to follow. And for the most part it was. Until the final step.. I simply cannot wrap my mind on how to install BOSS, BOMM and/or Wrye. I have all the downloads for them, I'm just stumped.


I wouldn't be making an entire thread to this unless I really desperatly needed help. I've been up 26 hours straight trying to make all these addons work, and reading all these readme's and whatnot. I just need a lil' hand :/


I don't care if it's the most obvious thing in the world that i'm missing out on, you can be a total jerk to me if you want, all I ask is that you apply a little bit of answer. I still haven't stepped foot into the game, waiting for 'the best experience' of my RPG gaming career.




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Forget that outdated G..Faqs guide. And forget about BOMM -- you don't need it with BOSS, that's what the userlist is for. There are just 3 files involved, and they are all double-click executable. Since you have already downloaded them, simply:


1. Double click on the Wrye Python installer. And install everything.

2. Double click on the Wrye Bash installer.

3. Double click on the BOSS installer and install to any relevent games.


You're done.

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I'm basically still running into the same problem. Grr. In my mopy folder, where the launcher for wrye bash is, it says Python File (No console) under the file type. I double click it to launch it, no dice. Checked in with the troubleshoot, no idea still. I really just want this to work lol. I need to find 'Oblivion mods for dummies' book somewhere..
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Did you install the latest version and the correct Python? You need the 291 installer and Wrye Python 03a from here.
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