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How to add mods to a game


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I've started installing my 200+ mods with BASH

(which I Think I've figured out :wacko: )


I thought I'd install them all (the entire 200+)

then Select them all and go through the whole BASH - merge, tweak, bash patch

- for the whole lot...


FULLY LOADED start a game...


but then I read in TESIVPostive a recommendation:

to add mods one at a time!!


Load each mod (or Group for things like Oscuro's)... start oblivion then save...and then add a second mod (in BASH) start oblivion, then save...etc...


NOT to create a BASH PATCH until all are loaded.


Is the necessary???

(that would be almost 200 times for me to start game and save)


how do other people do this????


Could I Load them in BASH by group???

(ex: utilities all at once,

then Game tweaks all at once)



should I create a BASH Patch???

as each mod group is added????


only create a BASH PATCH after all are added...


any help appreciated

(I'm a bit confused because in Morrowind I found I really had to add mods All at once or things went wrong quickly...corrupt saves, NPCs disappearing etc...

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I've no experience adding that many mods to the game but I have been following this forum and the problems reported closely for a while. If you add all your mods and then have a game breaking problem (which is very likely with that many mods) you will have no idea which mod or mods are causing the problem (outside the troubleshooting help provided by Wrye Bash and OBMM). If you install the mods in small groups at the most AND play test between batches you'll have a much smaller list of mods to troubleshoot when problems arise.


Hopefully you are starting out with Oblivion installed outside of C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\... if you are running Windows 7 or Vista.

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If you add a bunch of mods without testing, and ONE mod has a problem, you could easily spend much more time trying to figure out where the problem is than if you had installed them one at a time and tested each one before adding another. Just disabling a mod in the load list does not actually remove it as the meshes and textures are still loaded. However, mods can be added in small groups - as long as you keep track of the latest set loaded in case there is a problem. When you do encounter a problem, stop installing mods until it is resolved.


Just because mods work together does not mean there is not a conflict, it just means that any conflict is not serious enough to crash the game at that time.


There are also several lists of successful large mod install orders that can be used - if you can find one close to your list. load those in one large group, then test thoroughly before adding any more. If one of the mods adds a new area, and you do not go to that new area to test, then you have not tested that mod for compatibility.


If you do want to try them all at once, be sure to run BOSS to help with the load order. Who knows, you may get lucky and everything will work on the first try. :whistling:

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personally i never used bash for mods on oblivion(had over 500+ active at one time) all i used was OBMM and BOSS. never had a freeze or crash at all.


might want to try out BOSS before you BASH em all. it might fix your problem

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Hopefully you are starting out with Oblivion installed outside of C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\... if you are running Windows 7 or Vista.


Yes, I did read this on a number of forums and in TESIVPositive, so I actually uninstalled and reinstalled in C.



However, mods can be added in small groups - as long as you keep track of the latest set loaded in case there is a problem. When you do encounter a problem, stop installing mods until it is resolved.



There are also several lists of successful large mod install orders that can be used - if you can find one close to your list. load those in one large group, then test thoroughly before adding any more. If one of the mods adds a new area, and you do not go to that new area to test, then you have not tested that mod for compatibility.


If you do want to try them all at once, be sure to run BOSS to help with the load order. Who knows, you may get lucky and everything will work on the first try. :whistling:



might want to try out BOSS before you BASH em all. it might fix your problem




I am working Off a BAIN list that someone posted online...

so maybe those could be added as a group...


and I am using BOSS

(which IMHO is some kind of a miracle)


Thanks for all the replies!!!




The TESIVPOS site actually seemed to suggest just adding one mod, not testing - just saving,

then adding another, not testing - just saving...


I though there might be something Basic about Oblivion that prevented a Full Load...other then mod conflicts or breaking a quest etc...

From your replies doesn't sound it...

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all at once since ive uninstalled/reinstalled it multiple times over the years to make space for other things. every time i reinstall it to play i activate all the mods in OBMM(batch activation) then after that i save the load order, and exit obmm. then i run BOSS. after its done i run obmm again and double check if i missed any and then fire up the game. so far its worked every time.
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