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Midas Magic and OBSE not working together


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I seem to have a problem playing Midas Magic with OBSE running. Specifically, I can't seem to load any saved games that have completed the Astral Plane quest. When I try to load the game after that point, I get a CTD immediately. However, it loads fine when my character hasn't yet completed the Astral Plane quest. In other words, right after I activate the 5 crystals and get the new spell. Any games that I save after that will crash if I try to load them.


I don't think it's a conflict with another mod, because the saved games (that have completed the Astral Plane quest) still won't load when every mod except Midas Magic is disabled. And I'm able to load these files fine if I start the game normally, but then I obviously run into problems with other mods that need OBSE.


This just started happening a week ago, for no apparent reason. It worked fine until then. Anyone have any ideas?


I have 3 characters that I play that have already finished the Midas quests, and I can't play these characters until this issue gets resolved. Any help is appreciated :)


edit: both OBSE and Midas are fully updated.

Edited by KradenEPC
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I haven't had any issues with it whatsoever until about a week ago. And I've been playing Midas Magic with OBSE for 2-3 years.


I just ran the load order through BOSS today, but it still doesn't work. I'd post my load order, but I don't think it would matter since I can't load my saved games even if Oblivion.esm and MidasSpells.esp are the only two boxes checked. While I CAN load the saves if all of my mods except Midas are checked.


I haven't really downloaded anything for Oblivion lately... the only thing I can think of is WAC, which I completely uninstalled once I saw that my saves stopped loading (I started a new character when I installed WAC, and I played this character exclusively for a while so I have no idea if WAC caused the other saves to stop working), but it didn't fix it.


This is really frustrating because I have absolutely no idea what could have caused this.

Edited by KradenEPC
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Hooray, I just fixed it.


I looked at my download history over the past 2 months and saw that I downloaded a mod called called Oblivion Magic Extender (OBME)... there was no ESP so I didn't think to check this before. Apparently OBME has some compatibility issues with a few scripts that OBSE runs, so I just uninstalled OBME and everything works.


This is kind of a bummer though because OBME was pretty cool... I downloaded the mod because it was needed for another mod (Fists of Fury) that lets me enchant my fists with elemental damage. I know Midas also has spells like this but they really don't work well at all. Fists of Fury actually makes the "elemental fist" a completely normal alteration spell that you can use in the Spellmaking menu. Oh well, the rest of Midas trumps FoF for sure, especially when I'm not even playing an unarmed character haha.




Thanks for the help guys :)

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  • 10 years later...


In case anyone else finds this thread, the exact same thing was happening to me: using both OBME and Midas Magic and having save games created after the Astral Plane quest crash immediately after attempting to load them.


I determined that it was the Holy Judgement spell (which is also the effect that plays on the Astral Heart when you activate the prism pillars paying the notes) causing the save games to fail to load. I disabled the Holy Judgement from playing in the script and was able to save and load fine after completing the quest. Unfortunately, the crash issue comes back any time you cast the Holy Judgement spell at all :(

But for those who are ok with this, just save before you activate those pillars in front of the Astral Heart and run the console command: setstage MidasAstralQuest 50


You should then be around this particular issue.


Best regards,



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