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Colonised Freeside Script Effect.


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Hello everybody, I was hoping somebody could help me by answering my questyion. In version 1.5 of Colonised Freeside that I have been working on for over 65 days there is a new npc that I have added which goes around town everyday repairning the added small generators and wirers that power the street lights and I was simply wondering if there was a way I could make it so if that npc dies all the street lights will die off after a week. If so could you please write down how or point me to a tutorial. Thanks.






Edited by rowtjack07
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It really depends on what/if the lights already have a script.. Are they toggled lights? Does the NPC have an AI package already that goes to the lights and turns them on?


Anyway, if you don't have an insane amount of lights, you can make them all have the same parent ref. Then create a OnDeath block on the NPC that disables the lights. Then have it timed so that a week later the lights go back.

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