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Items Have 0 Value / Missing Meshes


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I have many items with 0 sell value, including a bunch of metal stuff like gold nuggets and gems that I'm pretty sure should have some value to sell for. I also have a +10% shock resist ring that is worth 0.


I also have seen a few items with no graphics, like a pair of light armor that just goes invisible when worn. The item belongs to Francesco's New Items I'm pretty sure.


The following is a list of mods and the order I installed them in.


Oblivion GotY Edition, Disk Version

Official Patch 1.2.0416

OBMM 1.1.12

Unofficial Oblivion Patch 3.20

Unofficial SI Patch 1.40

SI & KotN DLC from GotY Disk

Unofficial Mods Patch 1.5

OBSE 1.2?

BOSS 1.65

Unofficial Patch Supplementals 3.3.5

Midas Magic Spells .995 (Fixed with Patch A)

No Psychic Guards 1.2

Supreme Magicka .90 (Replaced Deadly Reflex Version 5 File)

Deadly Reflex Combat Moves 5.0 (Replaced File with Hotfix)

Darnified UI

MenuQue 9a

Francesco's Leveled Creatures & Items 4.5

Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul 1.33 (Added 1.34 Beta 5 Patch)

Oblivion Warcry 1.08 (Patched to 1.085b)

Bob's Armory 1.1

Duke Patrick's Combat Archery 5.1.1

Martigen's Monster Mod 3.7b3 (Used OMOD Installer)

FCOM (Used OMOD Installer with uFCOM & Entropic Balance)

Oblivion XP 4.1.9

HGEC Body 1.21

Natural Faces

Natural Environments

Qarl's Texture Pack III

Arrow Replacement Pack

Low-Poly Grass

FormID Finder (To Find Missing Meshes)


This probably doesn't matter, but it can't hurt.


I have an Intel Quad Core 9400, 8 GB DDR2 RAM, GeForce 470, Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit.


Any advice would be awesome. Or are there any other questions that I need to answer? Thanks Nexus!

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It is normal for some items in the vanilla game not to have value. I've been modding that for my own use. I don't know what your overhauls do to economy and values but I have heard FCOM does change the economy. Have you added or re-ordered anything lately?
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I installed Living Economy thru Deadly Reflex Combat Moves I think, and then later on when I installed FCOM I think, I was asked again if I wanted to install the same Living Economy, and I said "No" thinking it was already installed.


Maybe that's the problem?

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I may be talking to myself, but thanks for talking me thru this. I uninstalled FCOM, then OOO, then re-installed OOO then FCOM. The items were still 0 value until I visited a different town, and now I think all but an item or 2 have values.
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The reason I asked about economy mods is because I know that at least in Enhanced Economy's case they are very particular about how you uninstall them (i.e. where you are located etc.). Here's a quote from the Enhanced Economy mod description:

Before uninstalling Enhanced Economy, make sure that your last save was NOT while a merchant was active (in its dialog or barter menu). If so, that merchant's gold and item prices will not be reset. It is also very important to remove the installed "Menu\negotiate_menu.xml", if you don't, your haggle menu will be invisible and therefore seem to hang the game while it waits for you to click on the invisible close button.

I'm pretty sure I read about a method to set prices after uninstalling Enhanced Economy, perhaps in the mod comments.


My point is, you may also need to follow specific steps to get your prices back to vanilla after uninstalling your economy mod. Check the mod comments and\or contact the mod author if your problem persists.

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